Langley Federal Credit Union

How Has The Pandemic Changed Call Center Management?
From out-of-state recruitment to hiring bonuses and flexible scheduling, what was once seen as the bottom of the totem pole is now viewed as a prime position for many credit unions.

Langley Members Help Other Homebuyers
A new program for first-time mortgage applicants intends to substantially reduce burdens around closing costs.
From Face Time To FaceTime: Call Center Coaching Evolves
Two Virginia credit unions find new ways to engage and train out-of-office call center employees.

How 3 Credit Unions Are Handling The COVID-19 Vaccine
The coronavirus vaccine should soon be available to the general population. The federal government is not mandating vaccination; some state or local jurisdictions might. What will credit unions do?
Langley Offers ‘Leigh’ Way To Boost Member Service
Easily deployed chatbot learns as it goes, saved several thousand phone calls in its first weeks.
A Credit Union Career Isn’t For Me. Change My Mind. (Part 3)
Industry leaders talk about how they cultivated a career in credit unions and how credit unions across the United States can recruit enthusiastic employees to fill tomorrow’s leadership bench.