Logix Federal Credit Union

Everyone’s A Risk Manager At Logix FCU
For the past decade, the credit union’s head risk leader has been evangelizing the idea that everyone must be a risk manager to ensure the credit union stays on top of risk profile changes.
The 10-Step Guide For Replying To Online Reviews By Logix Federal Credit Union
To maintain credibility after a rebrand, Logix FCU emphasized its online reviews. In the years since, the California cooperative has received many a five-star review. Here’s how it handles those that aren’t.

Pandemic Response: How 4 Credit Unions Cope With Coronavirus
BECU, Logix, CommunityAmerica, and MSUFCU share insight on their response and how they’re planning for the unknown.
Hispanics no Longer the Secret Ingredient of Credit Union Growth: a Market Worthy of Credit Union Philosophy
Part I of a Two-Part Report Credit unions have stepped up their outreach to the fastest growing and single largest minority group in America today- Hispanics- starting by understanding cultural differences and following up with customized marketing to attract this diverse yet skeptical group. The reward is that a Credit Union can earn an entire family’s loyalty and make further inroads to a commu