Honor Credit Union

Is Your Core Up To Speed?

These five quick benchmarks ensure your core platform fosters growth, adaptability, and member satisfaction — helping your institution keep a winning edge.

There’s More Than 1 Way To Make A Mortgage
An inclusive approach to home loans at Honor Credit Union helps the cooperative confront inequality across Michigan.

Best Of 2023: Building Vibrant Communities
No matter how a credit union defines its community, strengthening that common bond is a major role for credit unions.

When Banks Left The Community, Honor Credit Union Stepped In By Honor Credit Union
After Huntingdon Bank closed several branches where the credit union has a presence, Honor purchased five of those locations so those communities wouldn’t be banking deserts.
New To The Neighborhood
A monthly collection of Callahan content that, together, addresses a single topic from a variety of perspectives.
Split Leadership Helps Honor Keep It Local By Honor Credit Union
Honor Credit Union formed an independent executive team to build on the knowledge of merged staff members and succeed in a new market.