ELGA Credit Union

5 Ways Credit Unions Are Fighting The Affordable Housing Crisis
June 6, 2022
Credit unions across the country have rolled out programs to create better days in their communities.
ELGA Fuels Growth For Areas In Need
January 5, 2022
The Michigan cooperative is going against the grain of other FIs by serving moderate to low-income members, opening new branches, and tapping CDFI funds to lend to people in need.

Exit Interview: Karen Church, ELGA Credit Union
November 22, 2021
From high school to retirement, Flint credit union CEO Karen Church shares her passion for the movement and what lies ahead for her.

How ELGA Went All In On Downtown Flint
June 10, 2019
It’s all a matter of timing as ELGA joins in on the revitalization of a once-moribund main street in one of America’s iconic industrial cities.
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