St. Mary's Bank Credit Union

Analytics For Action

A monthly collection of Callahan content that, together, addresses a single topic from a variety of perspectives.

Best Of Analytics 2018

Credit unions and every other business vertical are investing in the tools and talent to slice, dice, and deliver on the potential stored in their consumer data. Call it business intelligence. Call it member analytics. There are more names, too, for the rapidly developing techniques and technology used to drive better decision-making and improve internal efficiencies. Here are seven of

A 4-Year Journey Into The Heart Of Analytics

Top-Level Takeaways Starting with a 2014 core conversion, St. Mary’s Bank has taken a four-year journey deeper into business intelligence and analytics. Before it could leverage the full power of analytics, the nation’s oldest credit union first needed employee buy-in to try a new reporting technology and automate hundreds of manual reports. Melissa Pomeroy was working as an IT consultant
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