Northwest Federal Credit Union

Best Of 2023: Driving Employee Engagement
Credit unions are deploying myriad strategies to engage employees and make them feel like part of something bigger.

What’s In A Name: Instructional Design Manager
Teamwork and technology build a better learning experience at Northwest FCU.
Mortgage Momentum: What NWFCU Achieved in ‘08 & their Plans for ‘09
Erin Krause from Northwest FCU discusses how her credit union was able to gain member loyalty in this troubled economy.
Fresh Perspective on Business Continuity: SVP of Planning & Member Service
William Cook, Senior Vice President for Planning & Member Service, Northwest Federal Credit Union, lays out his approach of working with employees to create a culture of awareness on business continuity.
Three Benefits to Using Email for Collections
Northwest Federal Credit Union uses email in its collections process as a cost-effective, diplomatic way to alert members of a late payment.
Build a Plan, it’s Worth it
What plan did one CU follow that has 30% of their members, well above the national average, using eStatements? Can it help your credit union too?