Supplier Directory
Brick & Associates, Inc.
Brick &Associates provides over 500 Credit Unions with ALM and Budgeting solutions with Consulting. ALM Validations and Second Opinion ALM Analyses available. ALM analyses include instrument-level modeling of imported loans, shares, certificates, and investments. ALM Outsourcing Reports and the CU/ALM-ware System include Net Economic Value with NMS Valuation, NCUA's NEV Supervisory Test, 5-year Income Simulation, Market Value Reports, Assumption Reports, Maturity Distributions, Contingency Funding Stress Tests, What-Ifs, and Key Ratios. CU/BUDGET-ware creates a 1-year budget and out to a 5-year Strategic Plan. ALM and Budgeting Training classes, Board/ALCO Education, backtesting, consulting, and policies. Brick Capital Management offers Investment Advisory Services.