Online Forum Allows Credit Unions to Discuss Investment Yields, Non-Interest Income

Last Thursday, in a continuing series of best practices and performance analysis webinars, Callahan & Associates organized Playing in the Big Leagues. This online seminar featured 25 credit unions from across the country, all between $100-250 million in assets, discuss

Last Thursday, in a continuing series of best practices and performance analysis webinars, Callahan & Associates organized Playing in the Big Leagues.This online seminar featured 25 credit unions from across the country, all between $100-250 million in assets, discussing a variety of topics pertaining to institutions their size.

After a financial overview by John Marron and Jay Johnson of Callahan & Associates that focused on credit unions in that asset range, four other credit union best performers discussed their programs and how they’ve achieved success.

The speakers included:

  • Christine Schwarz, AVP of RE Lending at USC CU discussing their booming real estate program and their sales experiences in the secondary market.
  • Mike Kim, Chief Lending Officer at USC CU talked about their student lending program and its evolution into the #1 program in the country.
  • Brian Hughes, CFO at Sun FCU taught the attendees his investment style and approach and how it’s led him to yields of over 5% – excellent returns in today’s interest-rate environment.
  • Cecilia Homison, CFO of Florida Commerce CU gave us insight into her customized courtesy pay program and how it’s helped them make over $3.7 million in non-interest income in the first half of the year.

Keep an eye out for other great webinars coming up next month from Callahan’s.
For a group of selected slides from the webinar presentation,click here.

Many of the exhibits and graphs from the presentations were taken from the soon-to-be-released 2nd Quarter Data & Research Report! Order your copy today to prepare for your planning season!

A recording of this webinar is available on CD! To order a copy for $79, please write to John Marron or call him at (800) 446-7453.

March 10, 2015
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