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Preparing For The Open Banking Era

Credit unions have a transformative opportunity to strengthen their position in the future of the financial services industry.

The financial services industry is on the brink of a significant shift driven by open banking, which entails the sharing of financial data and services through standardized application programming interfaces (APIs). This development presents credit unions with a transformative opportunity to strengthen their position in the future of the financial services industry.

The State Of Open Banking In The United States

Although the European Union and several other global markets have already implemented regulatory frameworks for open banking, the United States has taken a slower and less prescriptive approach. However, advances in both government regulation and industry initiatives are accelerating the country toward a transition that will bring more innovation, competition, and consumer choice.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is developing national open banking standards and plans to propose a new personal data rights rule this year. The Financial Data Exchange (FDX), an industry-led organization, is working toward unifying the financial industry around a common and interoperable standard for secure access to user-permissioned financial data. Adoption of FDX API continues to grow, with 53 million consumer accounts now using the API for open finance data sharing, according to a recent FDX announcement.

This movement toward regulation and adoption paves the way for a wide range of innovative use cases. It also creates mutual benefits for consumers and financial institutions by fostering an ecosystem where financial products and services become more accessible, personalized, and competitive.

The Consumer Perspective

Open banking empowers consumers by giving them a more holistic view of their financial information across multiple financial providers, in real-time and at their fingertips. Through standardized APIs, consumers can access advanced tools and personalized financial products tailored to their specific needs and preferences. This newfound access enables better budgeting, savings, and lending solutions, leading to positive user experiences and more informed financial decision-making. PSCU’s most recent Eye on Payments study found that 74% of consumers are concerned about their personal finances. With these concerns in mind, consumers will likely welcome an era of improved products and services as well as increased visibility into their own financial health.

Through increased competition and collaboration between financial institutions and fintechs in a structured open banking environment, consumers may benefit from more competitive pricing and product choices. By leveraging the deeper, data-driven insights into members’ behaviors and preferences that open banking allows, credit unions can deliver personalized, innovative, and seamless experiences that strengthen member satisfaction and loyalty — and rival larger competitors’ offerings.

Financial Industry Implications

Successfully navigating the open banking era will require a forward-thinking mindset as well as investments in innovation and technological infrastructure. As open banking changes the flow of data — not only between consumers and their financial institutions but also between the institutions themselves and the larger market — the industry will undergo a shift that drives innovation and promotes collaboration between traditional banks and fintech companies. Credit unions can enhance their own service offerings by forming strategic partnerships with fintech companies. This will allow them to tap into specialized, innovative solutions, such as cutting-edge mobile banking experiences, seamless payment solutions, and personalized financial management tools, to benefit their members.

Open banking promises numerous benefits for both consumers and institutions, but it also presents challenges around data privacy, security, and consent. Credit unions must implement robust safeguards to protect their members’ information and maintain their trust. Additionally, navigating the complex regulatory landscape requires proactive measures to ensure compliance.

Considerations For Credit Unions

As the nation’s premier payments CUSO and an integrated financial technology solutions provider, PSCU leverages its expertise and network to advocate for industry standards, collaborate with regulatory bodies, and support credit unions in keeping up with open banking advancements. By understanding the opportunities and challenges presented by open banking, credit unions can excel in this new era — providing exceptional experiences and innovative solutions to reinforce their unique value proposition and solidify their position as trusted financial partners for their members’ journeys toward financial well-being.

Vladimir Jovanovic leads the Innovation team at PSCU, with primary responsibilities for strategic direction of the company’s Faster Payments, AI, and Enterprise Authentication & Identity efforts. His career with PSCU includes leading the Debit, ATM, and Prepaid portfolio, where he exercised the ability to interpret customer feedback into well-defined features that ultimately lead to the creation of solid business value for all stakeholders. With more than 20 years of payment industry experience, Vladimir is a proven payment strategy leader, focused on providing products and services that position PSCU and its Owner credit unions for success.


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July 10, 2023
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