2016 Supplier Market Share Guide: Credit Union Auditors

Data and insight from Callahan & Associates and industry suppliers.

Callahan Associates’ 2016 Supplier Market Share Guide: Credit Union Auditors is the industry’s only publication designed specifically to help credit unions understand the auditor market and choose a CPA partner.

This comprehensive guide contains:

  • Best practices and insights from leaders in the field.
  • Macro and micro-level market share analysis to uncover which firms are most active in different states and across the nation.
  • Information on which firms serve a variety of credit union sizes.
  • Assessments on what overlap exists between auditing firms and specific data processing systems.
  • Contact information for CPA firms and other auditing-related resources.

Callahan Associates compiled the data in this publication using credit union 5300 Call Report data through fourth quarter 2015 and individual CPA audits conducted between July 1, 2015, and June 30, 2016. In some cases, Callahan also compared information against responses collected for previous editions of the Supplier Market Share Guide: Credit Union Auditors.

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June 8, 2016
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