When comparing your institution’s performance to industry averages, credit unions executives may struggle to find meaningful insights that reflect their unique challenges and opportunities.
Credit unions under $500M in assets make up 84% of the industry, according to the latest NCUA data. However, their impact is often underrepresented in overall industry statistics where averages are skewed by larger institutions.
That’s why, based on feedback from viewers like you, we’ve tailored this Trendwatch Deep Dive to share key performance insights for credit unions under $500M.
Why Attend?
-Identify key strengths and opportunities highlighted in 2Q24 call report data.
-Understand how your credit union’s performance differs from larger institutions and why those differences matter.
-Discover enhanced ways to benchmark your institution against relevant peer groups.
-Don’t miss this opportunity to gain insights into the key trends affecting small and mid-size credit unions, he challenges they face, and the successes they’re achieving.