Online Member Service: Tackle The Surge Efficiently Without Sacrificing Member Experience

Credit Unions are experiencing an unprecedented surge in members using their websites and online portals - many for the first time. How can you efficiently service these increasing volumes, and still provide an exceptional member experience?
By Glia

Credit Unions are experiencing an unprecedented surge in members using their websites and online portals – many for the first time. How can you efficiently service these increasing volumes, and still provide an exceptional member experience?

Learn how major credit unions are rapidly deploying Digital Customer Service solutions to identify online members in need of help, and assist them live, directly within their online experience. These institutions are enabling member service representatives located anywhere even at home to meet members online, see exactly where they are stuck, and quickly guide them visually through friction points for speedy and satisfying resolutions.


You will learn:

  • Strategies used by major credit unions to economically address the surge in online demand.
  • How members can select their preferred channel be it chat, voice, or even video to communicate with your member service representatives directly from your online portals and apps.
  • How to activate online customer service and train staff in days, not months.
  • How to teach members to become proficient with your online tools, to minimize future support requests.

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