Join senior leaders at Callahan Associates for a webinar series that addresses why credit unions need to ask tough questions. Register for the entire series to explore how larger trends in a variety of fields apply to the credit union industry, how to frame new strategies for your credit union, and how to pinpoint what your organization is already doing well as well as what it could do better.
Session 1: Spring Is Strategy Season!
To survive and thrive, credit unions need real strategy big-picture, long-term, and grounded-in-mission strategy. This is much different from a traditional view of strategy that offers a detailed set of plans that end up compiled, bound, and gathering dust on a shelf.
Too many credit union leaders believe strategic plans limit vision, impede agility, guarantee missed opportunities, and provide suboptimal outcomes. As a result, strategic planning is often nothing more than a fancy name for basic business planning and budgeting or, worse, just an annual event for the board of directors.
Now is the time to ask tough questions about your credit union’s strategy. Join Chris Howard, senior vice president of Callahan Associates, to discuss why strategy is not static and how spending time thinking about strategy today will help the credit union go into planning season more productively this fall.
Part 1: Introductions
Part 2: The Big Idea
Part 3: Questions
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