The Case For Closure (And A Refund)

The case for merging the TCCUSF & NCUSIF and how credit unions can comment on the proposal.
By Callahan & Associates, Inc.

In July 2017, the NCUA board proposed a merger of the Temporary Corporate Credit Union Stabilization Fund (TCCUSF) into the NCUSIF. It fast-tracked the effort to complete the merger in September 2017.

But the NCUA’s staff recommendation on how to implement it is flawed.

What’s at stake? More than $1.8 billion of credit union members money.


Part 1: Introduction

Part 2: NCUA’s Financial Modeling Legacy For TCCUSF

Part 3: A Brief History Of The NCUSIF

Part 4: What Actions Should Credit Unions Take Right Now?

Part 5: Questions And Answers

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