Evergreen? Always Growing.

An empowered staff that drives membership growth and community involvement that enhances local partnerships underpin peer-beating growth numbers at the Maine cooperative.

Top-Level Takeaways

    • Evergreen Credit Union’s focus on community-driven initiatives and employee engagement has led to impressive growth.
    • The Maine cooperative offers financial solutions that others in the market typically don’t.
    • It also provides a robust salary and benefits package that includes mental wellness support.

The intersection of community engagement and employee empowerment is the sweet spot for peer-besting growth at Evergreen Credit Union ($538.8M, Portland, ME).

The one-time-paper-mill-SEG-turned-community-charter had approximately 20,000 members and $250 million in assets when Jason Lindstrom became president and CEO in November 2016. Today, it has 30,000 members and $550 million in assets.

“We’ve been above 5% year-over-year member growth since 2Q22 and haven’t been below 4% since 2018,” Lindstrom says.

Membership growth at Evergreen Credit Union has nearly consistently outpaced national performance the past five years.

To post those kinds of numbers, the Maine credit union has adapted to member needs and expectations — for example, it keeps three out of its five branches open on Saturdays when other financial institutions close — as well as launched tactics to retain members. But, ultimately, Evergreen credits its empowered employees who go out and get their hands dirty — sometimes literally.


Deep And Meaningful Community Engagement

Central to Evergreen’s growth is its deep and meaningful community engagement that goes beyond cutting checks. The credit union actively participates in community events to build strong relationships with local partners.

For example, Evergreen has helped forge a meaningful — perhaps at first glance uncommon — relationship between the Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland animal shelter and Portland Trails, which maintains more than 70 miles of trails.

Jason Lindstrom, President & CEO, Evergreen Credit Union

“We connected these two organizations and donated the labor to help spread gravel on about a quarter-mile of trail to connect the shelter to a section of trail where people can take dogs on a ‘test walk’ before they adopt them,” says Lindstrom, who now serves as the vice chair of the board of the refuge league.

Along with board volunteer work, Evergreen’s staff also promotes community activities on social media and offers in-kind expertise to small nonprofits.

“Our vice president of training helped the animal refuge league employees with a session on understanding personality types,” Lindstrom says. “That had a lasting impact for them.”

Zach Collett, assistant controller and efficiency analyst, Connor Murphy, project manager, and Jon Merrill, AVP of cannabis operations, participate in Evergreen Credit Union’s trail cleanup day in Portland, ME.

Then there’s Evergreen’s collaboration with the Portland Food Map, an independent directory of local restaurants. The credit union sponsors the food map’s popular date night raffle on Instagram and provides gift cards to local eateries.

“We know our community is passionate about everything outdoors and about the cultural and lifestyle options that Portland has to offer,” Lindstrom says.

Such sponsorships are one way Evergreen ensures it is a good partner that provides meaningful support rather than simply throwing money at community involvement. In turn, this fosters even stronger relationships and more effective community engagement.

Employee Wellbeing Supports Member Growth

Building that community engagement wasn’t instantaneous, but Lindstrom says it is replicable if an institution prioritizes taking care of its own team, too, with a culture that supports and empowers employees.

“Engaging managers and ensuring they align with organizational goals is crucial,” Lindstrom says. “Although it took us a couple of years to get everyone on the same page, the focus on team wellbeing has paid off.”

Since his arrival, Lindstrom has focused on training, salaries, health and wellness benefits (including for mental health), and community involvement opportunities. Importantly, Lindstrom says his own leadership journey to the corner office that started with a position as a part-time teller helps him understand the hardships of a credit union career.

“Experiences like being robbed twice and having a gun to my chest gives me empathy for front-line challenges,” the CEO says. “Understanding their fears and frustrations helps me advocate for necessary changes and improvements.”

Lindstrom proudly notes that Evergreen loses more front-line employees to internal back-office roles than it does to turnover. At the same time, it also values and supports those who prefer to remain in front-office roles.

“Everyone has the chance to grow within the organization,” Lindstrom says. “Employees who feel valued are more likely to go above and beyond in their roles, creating a positive feedback loop that benefits both the credit union and its members.”

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Dump Trucks And Cannabis

Offering financial solutions that others in the market typically don’t is another growth factor Evergreen’s meaningful-community-engagement strategy feeds. For example, the credit union welcomes small-business borrowers with specific needs.


Evergreen Credit Union
DATA AS OF 03.31.24

HQ: Portland, ME
ASSETS: $538.8M
MEMBERS: 29,541
ROA: 0.82%

“A guy needs to buy a $70,000 truck to be used for plowing in the winter and as a dump truck in the summer,” Lindstrom says. “Unless he wants to buy 10 of those trucks, the big banks here aren’t interested, but we are. We’re bouncing along at our MBL cap because of this, but it’s worth it because of the member loyalty and reputation we’re building.”

The legal cannabis business is one area in particular need. Evergreen regularly offers banking services to those businesses and their employees.

“Cannabis is legal in Maine, but many cannabis businesses and their employees can’t find banking services,” Lindstrom says. “We’ve created a space for them, ensuring they don’t have to operate without banking services.”

He adds the credit union just made it through its first exam with “only a couple tweaks,” thanks to a careful, nearly two-year planning and compliance process before adding the first cannabis members. That planning also has made it possible for Evergreen to attract and retain new members in a regulatory sound manner.

Technology Balanced With Personal Service

Personal interactions remain at the heart of Evergreen’s service philosophy, but the cooperative also has also embraced technology to enhance member experiences.

Evergreen offers robust mobile and online banking options that provide convenient, efficient access to services. However, Lindstrom stresses the importance of balancing technology with personal touch.

“Technology is important, but nothing replaces face-to-face interactions,” he says. “Many members prefer personal contact over automated systems.”

To this end, Evergreen also has certified financial coaches in all branches who provide personalized advice. This hybrid approach ensures those who prefer digital solutions have access to top-notch technology and those who value personal interactions can engage directly with staff. The balance has been crucial in attracting and retaining members, Lindstrom says, particularly in an era where many financial institutions are moving toward more impersonal, automated systems.

The Path Forward

Evergreen has consistently grown its member base and its business by deeply embedding itself in the community, balancing technology with personal service, and empowering employees personally and professionally.

That’s also the plan moving forward.

“We’re going to continue providing our team with the resources they need, despite challenges like rising insurance rates and mental health issues — they’re worth the investment,” Lindstrom says. “Providing good training, fostering a positive culture, and offering clear career paths are key. By supporting our team, we ensure they take care of our members, and that will drive continued growth.”

June 17, 2024

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