2021 Vendor Showcase — Part 1

Looking for new solutions? Check out these featured credit union suppliers.

A new year means a new opportunity to make smart investments for your credit union. There are many products, services, and solutions to sift through in the marketplace, so how can leaders decide which one is best for their credit union? The Vendor Showcase on CreditUnions.com asks vendors to break down the problems they solve and highlight what makes them stand out in a crowded industry.

Click any “read more” button below to learn about each supplier.

Website: abe.ai
Headquarters: Orlando, FL
Service Areas: Mobile Banking, Online Banking, Member Service/Contact CenterRead More

Website: amplifiloyalty.com
Headquarters: Naperville, IL
Service Areas: Loyalty, Rewards Programs, Credit & Debit CardsRead More

Website: arkatechture.com
Headquarters: Portland, ME
Service Areas: Data Warehousing & ETL Services, Data Analytics & Business Intelligence, Data Visualization Design
Read More

Website: defisolutions.com
Headquarters: Westlake, TX
Service Areas: Loan or Lease Originations, Loan or Lease Servicing, Business Process OutsourcingRead More

Website: globaldms.com
Headquarters: Lansdale, PA
Service Areas: Valuation Management SystemRead More

Website: mainsailtrim.com
Headquarters: Los Angeles, CA
Service Areas: BSA Compliance, Lending Audits, Operations AuditsRead More

Website: ondotsystems.com
Headquarters: San Jose, CA
Service Areas: Transaction Enrichment, Digital Card Issuance, Controls & AlertsRead More

Website: shieldbanking.com
Headquarters: Seattle, WA
Service Areas: Cannabis Banking, Compliance, Risk ManagementRead More


Website: abe.ai
Headquarters: Orlando, FL
Service Areas: Mobile Banking, Online Banking, Member Service/Contact Center
  1. What unique challenge do you help credit unions solve?Engagements that used to occur in branches, face to face, or over the phone, now occur digitally. We partner with credit unions and digital banking providers to address this problem with AI-powered, human-like experiences via our Virtual Financial Assistant product.With Abe.ai as the foundation of credit unions’ AI strategy, our partners scale proactive support and engagement with their members. Together, we ease the burden on team members and increase self-service options for members, which in turn creates a great member experience with solid adoption and repeat users.
  2. What differentiates you from competitors?Abe.ai is solely focused on the financial services industry.As part of Envestnet I Yodlee, Abe.ai leverages the deep experience and industry-leading data capabilities that take us beyond service-use cases and into financial wellness, aggregated account capabilities, and peer benchmarking.We partner with some of the leading digital banking providers, enabling us to deliver authenticated, embedded use cases.Abe.ai’s AI is not 100% artificial – there’s a deep team of product specialists, engineers, machine learning experts, data scientists, and more that are involved in training, enhancing, and expanding our products to provide truly intuitive solutions.
  3. How can a credit union learn more about Abe.ai?To learn more about us please visit Abe.ai, contact us at Abe@abe.ai or follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook. Visit https://www.abe.ai/contact-us/ to request a no obligation demonstration of our solutions.

ampliFI Loyalty Solutions

Website: amplifiloyalty.com
Headquarters: Naperville, IL
Service Areas: Loyalty, Rewards Programs, Credit & Debit Cards
  1. What unique challenge do you help credit unions solve?An industry-leading provider, ampliFI Loyalty Solutions helps credit unions increase member engagement with a unique platform combined with custom, product-engagement solutions through a personalized, dynamic approach. The full end-to-end rewards solution gives credit unions the ability to increase engagement across channels to promote card usage and tighten the affinity. The innovative digital platform allows for highly configurable solutions, sparked by leading-edge products tailored to each credit union’s market strategy. ampliFI also provides access to a data analytics tool with market competitive insights into member behavior by deploying personalized strategies to drive improved performance throughout the member lifecycle.
  2. What differentiates you from competitors?ampliFI offers superior, innovative products with highly configurable solutions to ensure alignment with the credit union’s market strategies. Through a technology-agnostic approach, ampliFI integrates with processors, online and mobile banking providers, and multi- channel touchpoints. Customizable branding and design allow for a personalized, user-friendly, ADA-compliant site. The robust catalog includes tailored earning and redemption offerings, and a real-time point-of-sale redemptions solution. The data-driven platform provides reporting with access to program insights, influence, and personalized outcomes. Some companies deliver marketing, others focus on rewards programs, others drive portfolio engagement. We ampliFI ALL of that!
  3. How can a credit union learn more about ampliFI?To learn more visit our website at www.amplifiloyalty.com, contact us at sales@amplifiloyalty.com, and follow us on LinkedIn (/company/amplifiloyalty), Facebook (/amplifiloyalty), Instagram (/amplifiloyalty), or Twitter (@amplifiloyalty).


Website: arkatechture.com
Headquarters: Portland, ME
Service Areas: Data Warehousing & ETL Services, Data Analytics & Business Intelligence, Data Visualization Design
  1. What unique challenge do you help credit unions solve?Arkatechture’s featured solution for credit unions, Arkalytics, integrates data from disparate information systems into a single source of truth through an automated lean data pipeline. Arkalytics is an end-to-end analytical data platform that combines a managed, cloud-native data lake, comprehensive credit union data model, and an entire suite of financial reports and analytical models.Our expertise includes:
    • Data Warehousing & ETL Services.
    • Business Intelligence.
    • Data Visualization Design.
    • Data Quality Cleanups.
    • Predictive Analytical Modeling.

    Based in Portland, ME, Arkatechture is a technology company dedicated to empowering our clients with a better understanding of their business through data.

  2. What differentiates you from competitors?The data experts at Arkatechture combine vision and competence to deliver actionable results for credit unions.The company boasts a 100% success rate implementing our Arkalytics data platform, including both management and support of the platform.“Last week our cloud provider experienced some outages. We were quickly notified by Arkatechture. No one at the credit union had to lift a finger to troubleshoot or take actions to correct the issue. We enjoyed our Thanksgiving meal and leftovers the next day while their team handled the monitoring and ensured upload of our files” – VP, Business Intelligence
  3. How can a credit union learn more about Arkatechture?Please visit arkatechture.com to learn more about our products and services. Don’t forget to check out our Learning Center there to discover the latest case studies and white papers from some of the nation’s leading credit unions.If you’re ready to connect with a data expert today, fill out this short form to get started with a free consultation to discuss your data goals and challenges.


Website: defisolutions.com
Headquarters: Westlake, TX
Service Areas: Loan or Lease Originations, Loan or Lease Servicing, Business Process Outsourcing
  1. What unique challenge do you help credit unions solve?defi SOLUTIONS partners with credit unions to help transform their lending operations. defi empowers credit unions to do business at any time from any place, bringing in new borrowers and satisfying their members. Across all elements of the lending lifecycle — digital engagement, originations, servicing — and with business process outsourcing services — loan and lease care, lease maturity management, remarketing and more — these solutions scale to the size and scope of a credit union’s workload. defi brings efficiency, savings on staff and office space, and the sourcing of critical technology that credit union need today and for the future.
  2. What differentiates you from competitors?The difference lies in what defi empowers credit unions to do. Credit unions can engage new borrowers and their members online at any time and auto-decision as much or as little as they like to deliver the quick decisions their members deserve. Credit unions can enroll non-members during the originations process and integrate with more than 40 core systems and more than 70 third-party information sources. Credit unions can configure their own changes, without the support of a development team, and cross sell products to new and existing members from a lease or loan application.
  3. How can a credit union learn more about defi SOLUTIONS?We offer these three resources:

Global DMS

Website: globaldms.com
Headquarters: Lansdale, PA
Service Areas: Valuation Management System
  1. What unique challenge do you help credit unions solve?Global DMS® has revolutionized the burdensome and costly valuation process used by the mortgage industry. Our unrivaled technology ensures credit unions’ unique valuation processes are automated to their needs, from start to finish, with a product called EVO-Residential™ (EVO-Res™). Standing behind decades of best practices and incredibly easy-to-use tools, EVO-Res empowers organizations to transform their businesses into ultra-efficient, compliant, and finely tuned operations. A critical advantage of using EVO-Res is its ability to reduce costs by modernizing your workflow, shortening order times, and allowing you to automate routine tasks and alerts.
  2. What differentiates you from competitors?EVO-Res offers state-of-the-art technology advances that allow users to work the way they need to work, which is very different from the platforms currently available in the market. EVO-Res was built with users in mind with a role-based workflow that is 100% configurable and fits any business model. The EVO-Res workflow streamlines the appraisal experience by automating routine tasks while providing you alerts, custom order and review forms, and reports. EVO-Res will increase your overall operating efficiency and reduce your costs, all while you stay in compliance.
  3. How can a credit union learn more about Global DMS?For more information, visit the company’s web site www.globaldms.com, call (877) 866-2747 (Option 2), or email us at productinfo@globaldms.com.

Mainsail Trim

Website: mainsailtrim.com
Headquarters: Los Angeles, CA
Service Areas: BSA Compliance, Lending Audits, Operations Audits
    1. What unique challenge do you help credit unions solve?Mainsail Trim is dedicated to helping credit unions manage their risk and compliance efforts through ongoing internal audits that can be customized to meet your needs. Our audits are designed to identify weaknesses in existing credit union processes and offer solutions before they become more serious and result in regulatory actions. Many of them can be performed offsite through secured share file downloads and remote access. Our associates have more than 100 years of combined experience working with credit unions. By focusing exclusively on the credit union space, we’re able to identify trends that may negatively impact the credit union.
    2. What differentiates you from competitors?We understand the unique challenges and services associated with credit unions. The uniqueness of credit unions forces us to be flexible with our audit findings in order to develop solutions that work; there are no “one size fits all” answers. We can also partner with you on a variety of special projects, such as:
      • Strategic planning.
      • Loan & share product development.
      • Department/project-specific reviews.
      • Business continuity plans.
      • Due diligence on prospective mergers.
      • Internal fraud investigations/forensic accounting.
      • Budget preparation.
      • Policy & procedure development.
      • Staff and official training.


  1. How can a credit union learn more about Mainsail Trim?Our website and LinkedIn pages have information about our services. We’ve developed a “Menu of Services” that identifies all the audits we offer and the objectives of the audits, and this is available upon request. We’re available to answer your questions anytime by calling our office at (310) 367-1170.

Ondot Systems

Website: ondotsystems.com
Headquarters: San Jose, CA
Service Areas: Transaction Enrichment, Digital Card Issuance, Controls & Alerts
    1. What unique challenge do you help credit unions solve?Digital experiences are in high demand and credit unions need to respond to attract the next generation of members. While people of all ages are increasing digital usage, the highest rates are still among millennials and Gen Z — generations that currently represent over $3 trillion in spending.With Ondot Card App, the digital experience of modern cards is available for credit unions of all sizes. Card App gives cardholders immediate access to credit and debit cards, along with self-service, spend insights, and control — increasing member satisfaction and reducing fraud and operations costs.
    2. What differentiates you from competitors?Ondot Card App is the first purpose-built app designed around how people use their credit and debit cards. Card payments are the most frequent and important touch point for your members.Card App is available in just 6-8 weeks – and on top of your existing infrastructure. Ondot is the only company that provides credit unions with the ability to add all the features of a modern card portfolio:
      • Get and use a card quickly.
      • Manage with self-service.
      • Understand spending.
      • Engage with perks.

Ondot’s technology is used by more than 4,500 financial institutions, including 50 of the top 100 credit unions.

  1. How can a credit union learn more about Ondot?Visit www.ondotsystems.com to learn more or contact us today at info@ondotsystems.com. Ondot hosts monthly webinars on card modernization, as well as frequent demos. View Ondot’s website to discover Card App and register for an upcoming event.

Shield Compliance

Website: shieldbanking.com
Headquarters: Seattle, WA
Service Areas: Cannabis Banking, Compliance, Risk Management
  1. What unique challenge do you help credit unions solve?Despite the strong growth of the legal cannabis industry, marijuana is classified as an illegal substance under federal law, causing many credit unions to remain on the sidelines of this burgeoning market. While financial institutions should evaluate the risks associated with serving this industry, we believe the greater barrier to entry is related to efficient compliance with FinCEN guidance. Shield’s automated, data-driven, AML/BSA compliance management platform aggregates and organizes essential data, allowing risk managers to focus on judgmental decision making. Shield’s solution creates efficiencies that enable credit unions to unlock new sources of low-cost deposits and earning assets while scaling operations.
  2. What differentiates you from competitors?Shield Compliance is transforming the way credit unions manage risk, comply with regulations, and satisfy operational demands associated with serving the legal cannabis industry across the United States.Compliant banking operations for the legal cannabis industry requires continuous, enhanced due diligence that reaches beyond traditional BSA/AML compliance tools. Shield delivers a complete picture of compliance by aggregating transaction data and demographic records with restricted and publicly available information from state and local governments, seed-to-sale tracking, and client financial statements. Real-time alerts and streamlined government reporting allow credit unions to identify and address anomalies quickly and act if needed. Shield’s compliance management platform is white-labeled to the financial institution and we do not disintermediate the relationship between the credit union and client.
  3. How can a credit union learn more about Shield Compliance?To learn more, please visit our website. You’re welcome to contact us and request a demo at info@shieldbanking.com. We look forward to speaking with you.

Are you a supplier interested in participating in a themed Vendor Showcase in 2021? Contact Callahan & Associates here.*The listings included in this Vendor Showcase are sponsored by the suppliers. Callahan & Associates and CreditUnions.com do not endorse vendors or the solutions they offer.

December 14, 2020
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