Community First Credit Union of Florida

Best Of HR 2019
Five popular pieces cover a range of HR challenges, from bringing talent through the door to helping them work outside of it.
A Reward Program That Takes The Cents Out Of Incentive
The gaming approach employed by Community First Credit Union of Florida offers experiences rather than cash to high-performing branch staff.
A Strategy To Score Swipes And Savings
The Save My Change program at Community First of Florida helps members build savings and the credit union build interchange income.
How A Florida Credit Union Mixes Business With Business
Community First’s referral partnership with its local university small business center mixes money with mission.

The Great Divide: Expert Advice From Recovering Bankers
Credit union senior managers dish on what they’ve learned, and unlearned, from their transition to cooperative financial services.
Get Busy With Business Loans
A monthly collection of Callahan content that, together, addresses a single topic from a variety of perspectives.