5 Reasons To Read The Callahan Analytics Newsletter

Want to win at data? Then look no further than the newsletter that is built to help you do that and more.

Callahan Associates helps credit unions better serve members. And now, Callahan Analytics is launching a data-spectacular newsletter to better serve our clients.

  1. Want a more efficient way to pull reports?
  2. Want a new way to look at an old problem?
  3. Want to fill in knowledge gaps and become a data ninja?
  4. Want to expand your industry knowledge and save time, money, and resources in the process?
  5. Want a better way to communicate opportunities and success (and impress your boss and peers at your next reporting meeting)?

We’ve got you covered. The Callahan Analytics Newsletter is your monthly resource for all things data. Walk throughs on software enhancements, announcements about new training materials, insights about industry trends, tips and tricks from Callahan analysts you’ll find it all here.

Callahan Associates pulls info from more than two dozen data sets including the NCUA 5300 and FDIC Call Reports, Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA), and the U.S. Census to make financial performance analysis easy for credit unions and their suppliers.

As a Callahan client, you have access to our suite of analytical tools, including:

  • Search Analyze on Creditunions.com allows users to look up basic performance data on any credit union, build rudimentary peer groups, and compare the performance reports of up to three institutions or groups.
  • Peer-to-Peer allows users to easily compare their performance against national averages, peer groups, and individual institutions while gaining deeper insight into merger opportunities, industry trends, regulatory analysis, and econometric data.
  • CUAnalyzer/CUTarget provides credit union professionals high-level information about key performance metrics, including asset quality, capital adequacy, productivity, and growth. These tools offer deeper insight into each metric through detailed definitions and dynamic analysis as well as advice on how to make improvements.
  • BranchAnalyzer combines branch and market-level deposit data with U.S. Census data to supply new insights into credit unions’ competitive landscape. Users can analyze their branch operations and gain insight into deposit market share at the institution and branch level.
  • MortgageAnalyzer offers the intelligence needed to earn a stronger foothold in any mortgage market. This tool organizes Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) data in a way that allows users to compare a credit union’s position against other cooperatives, banks, thrifts, mortgage CUSOs, and entire markets.

Did you know Callahan clients outperform nonclients in several key metrics? For example, Callahan clients:

  • Grow assets 1.6 times, members 2.4 times, shares 1.5 times, and loans 1.3 times faster than nonclients.
  • Their penetration rates are better than nonclients by 1.5% in auto loans, 7% in credit cards, and 10.4% in share drafts.
  • Their average member relationship is 27% higher than nonclients.
  • Their ROA is 36 basis points higher than nonclients.

How do they do this? In part, because Callahan’s most successful clients take full advantage of our array of analytical software. And now you can, too, with the help of the Callahan Analytics Newsletter.

Like what you see? Please share with a friend or colleague so they can use Callahan’s Analytics tools to their fullest potential. Did we miss something? We love feedback, please let us know how Callahan can better serve your analytics needs.

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If you’re not a Callahan client, access to a full, easy-to-use suite of analytical tools supported by a company that specializes in credit unions is only one of the many things you’re missing out on. We’ve also got an arsenal full of action-oriented case studies, webinars that feature best practices developed by credit unions, and more. If you want to better serve your clients, you want to be a Callahan credit union.

This way to better performance

September 12, 2016
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