My co-workers were lovely and we worked well together; however, the robotic day-to-day experience was not for me. I cannot stand in place for eight hours asking the same questions over and over again. I am a person who needs to move around and interact in different ways.
Teller (Former Employee,
This review represents a lost opportunity. A teller’s work is central to the operation, but it’s not for everyone. This staffer might have brought something different to the enterprise. Spotting talent and giving it room to grow is important. Someone who cares about interacting with members in different ways might be a good candidate for a universal teller or MSR position. Or maybe this restless curiosity could have found a home interacting with members and new technologies, advancing the credit union’s ability to serve members in new and changing ways.
[Credit Union] just changed their reward policies, as indicated by several other reviews. I have to admit, I don’t know how they offered a rate/hoops so much better than other banks to begin with, but their new policies put them squarely in the middle of the pack, or worse. It’s also a big increase in money going into an account I don’t use for bill paying and more forced spending at a significant reduction in potential earnings. $100/12 transactions on my debit card when I’m already trying to meet a big minimum on my credit card is just obnoxious. Frankly, it will be a relief not to jump through these hoops any more. I’ll just invest my money in something else.
One of the other reviews this writer mentions points out how commonplace teaser rates, rewards, and complicated programs are. Perhaps the best advice here is to keep it simple some of the largest and most successful issuers among credit unions and big banks have learned that. Offer a realistic reward with little to no restrictions to reduce friction and increase stickiness.
Great culture, mission and vision, long-term strategy, and direction. The CEO is one of the best leaders I’ve ever met. He knows you by name and will always find time to talk to you about business and your interests.
Anonymous Employee,
Culture begins at the top, and the little things matter. The longtime CEO of this credit union has more than 550 employees at 12 branches, but it sounds like he’s doing a good job of getting to know them. Following through on mission, vision, strategy, and direction depends on the people executing it. This kind of leadership helps create a team more inclined to do so.
[Credit Union] has some great people that WANT to do the right thing. Too many mergers caused them to be unable to do a good job to help the members or place the merged employees appropriately. It’s difficult to transition from a small organization where everyone has a name to a place where everyone is a number. Stop trying to fit merged employees into roles according to their current pay scale and instead try to fit them into roles according to their abilities!
Former Employee,
Mergers are a fact of life in credit union land, and so is the impact they have on employees as well as members. A solid merger plan should include consideration for both. Remember, employees falling through the cracks are likely to take members with them. No one knows your employees better than you, and no one knows your members better than them. To take care of members, you must take care of employees. Keep everyone in the loop to reassure them they are more than a number they are part of a movement.
[Credit Union] has been refreshing. Interest on regular checking account, receive pay deposit before regular payday, customer service pretty warm and friendly, mobile check deposits, refunds out-of-network ATM fees, and deposit money with participating credit unions. My pet peeve is no local branch within 20 miles and restrictions on membership.
WAKEELAH, Credit Karma
This credit union has nearly 250,000 members, consistently posts positive performance metrics, and is regularly featured on and trade sites for its innovative approach to services and products. The credit union does a lot of things right, but this review goes to show you can’t please all of the people all of the time. It also underscores the role branches continue to play in the lives and perceptions of members.
This article appeared originally in Credit Union Strategy & Performance. Read More Today.