Ring The Lunch Bell

Can you sniff out these 10 credit union names that will leave you feeling hungry?

There are more than 5,000 credit unions in the country that employ all variety of naming conventions. Some have names closely associated with employee groups. Some have names that appeal to a specific geography or location. And some have names that are just plain made up.

However, only a dozen or so credit union names promise to make your stomach growl. In honor of those shops, grab a snack and find 10 in the word search below that have us looking at the clock and wondering if 11:00 A.M. is too early for lunch.


Word Bank: Sugar Growers, Upstate Milk Employees, Planters, Hershey, Quaker Oats, Tex Mex, Mesquite, Maple, Mayo Employees, Whitefish

See Answers

This article appeared originally in Credit Union Strategy & Performance. Read More Today.

December 30, 2019
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