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4 Mobile Apps That Increase Credit Union Mortgage Business

Keeping up with macro and micro trends via smartphone is a smart way to boost mortgage business.

The steady growth of mobile marketing strategies forces mortgage professionals to reconsider how to effectively broaden their reach to be relevant tokey demographics, like first-timehomebuyers.Use of app-based technology is one way you can be more mobile-friendly, improve your social reach and increase business opportunities.

In 2014, mobile devices accounted for 55% of all Internet usage, and 47% of that traffic came from apps. Mobile apps are a valuable tool youhavetheability to easily take snapshots of the industry at both macro and micro levels. With that understanding, here are a few apps to consider when working to maximize the effectiveness of your personal brand through app-based technology.

Below is one of four great apps you can use to increase mortgage opportunities.

IFTTT: [Discover]

IF This Then That (IFTTT)is one of my favorite apps for streamlining the discovery of content across multiple apps. Developed in late 2010, IFTTTallows for the use of two apps together to create a desired outcome through what the developer calls Recipes. There are thousands of existingrecipesto choose from based on what you arelookingto accomplish, or you can easilycreateyour own.There are a few IFTTTrecipesthat should garner your interest if you are seeking to increase your mortgage business.

ReceiveAn Email Or Mobile Notification On Breaking News

What I find of value with this IFTTTrecipeis the ability to see a macro view of the mortgage industry. Using this recipeletsyou receivean email or mobile notification when a news publication likeThe New York Times,National Public Radio, orBuzzFeedtags a story asbreaking newsortrending. Given this ability, consider monitoringsectionsof these publications that can help shed light on the mortgage industry you serve.The options are endless.This approach to content curating is an excellent way todiscover valuable content from reliable, trustworthy sources andimprove your social media marketing efforts by having a constant, inbound stream of content to share.

IfNewRealEstateIsListedOn Zillow,ThenSendMe Gmail

Thisrecipe will work in conjunction withTrackIf.com.You can specify one or a variety of regions via search queries through sites like Zillow, Century 21, ReMax, and more. When the recipe runs those specific TrackIf.comsearch URLs, you will be notified with details of the newly listed property via Gmail. Creating this type of recipe to monitor newlocal real estate listings allows for a micro view of the market and the opportunity to engage home sellers directly.

Consider using this information to send a homeowner marketing materials, such as aco-branded mortgage infographicabout the value of working with only pre-approved potential buyers. Being the first to know allows you to be the first to act, and as a result, you can build relationships that increase your mortgage business.

Save Tagged Feedly Articles To Evernote

In brief, Feedlyis a news aggregator application for various web browsers and mobile devices (iOS and Android).It compiles news feeds from a variety of online sources that you can customize and share with others.There are many variants of this type of recipe.

A relevant example is specifying aFeedly topic like mortgage. Meaning, Feedly will compile a list of all the content currently available across the web that it has access to and has been taggedas a topic about mortgage.’ Once compiled, based on the recipe, Feedly will send that content to your Evernote app. You could modify this recipe so that Feedly sends the content to you via Gmail or Google Docs, for example.

Click the image below to read the full article, and to learn about all of the apps that can increase your mortgage business.

This article is sponsored by a recognized solutions provider in the credit union industry. Callahan & Associates does not endorse vendors or the solutions they offer, and the views and opinions offered here might not reflect those of Callahan. If you are interested in contributing an article on CreditUnions.com, please contact the Callahan team at ads@creditunions.com or 1-800-446-7453.
November 2, 2015
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