Callahan & Associateshas selected Wright-Patt Credit Union to be featured in the next quarterly issue and online video exclusive of Credit Union Strategy and Performance (CUSP).
According to Alix Patterson, Callahan’s chief operating officer, We’ve been watching Wright-Patt for some time. They have phenomenal programs that really help their members in Dayton, OH as well as across the US through their participation in multipleCUSOs. We want to bring that story to the industry so that other credit unions can learn from the best practices that Doug Fecher and his team employ.
Wright-Patt posted double-digit share (19.2%) and loan (10.2%) growth in the first quarter of 2010.
We’re honored to share some of the efforts we take to truly differentiate WPCU in the market place, said Jeff Carpenter, Vice President, Membership and Development at WPCU. Among the programs to be featured are the credit union’sPatronage Dividend, Partner Orientation,Dialog Style of Service, NPS, MAP, and unique loan products such as Stretch-Pay.
The new video component of CUSP takes an in-depth look at the anatomy of a noteworthy program in a credit union. Callahan’s senior editorRebecca Wessler iscurrently onsite at the credit union with videographer Jami Hassler, learning aboutWright-Pattfromall angles and interviewing staff.
The first video feature was part of the 4Q09 CUSP and highlighted State Employees’ Credit Union’s successful lending program. For the upcoming CUSP issue, Callahan staff will be interviewingstaff member and membersfrom WPCU.
Callahan is visiting with our WPCU team to learn more about how we distinguish and brand Wright-Patt Credit Union, said Carpenter. It gives us the chance to share our ideas and insights, and hopefully assist other credit unions’efforts to grow and thrive.
The online video interviews will be available with the release of 1Q10 CUSP, expected later this spring. For more information, visit