Achieving The Effortless Member Experience

When it comes to your member experience, simplicity and ease are key. Whether it's signing up for a Membership or purchasing a new product, your digital journeys should be as effortless as possible. But how do we measure simplicity and ease for our various member journeys?
By Callahan & Associates, Inc.

When it comes to your member experience, simplicity and ease are key. Whether it’s signing up for a Membership or purchasing a new product, your digital journeys should be as effortless as possible. But how do we measure simplicity and ease for our various member journeys?

Traditionally, organizations have used metrics such as Net Promoter Score (NPS) or Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) but when it comes to making experiences effortless, the best metric available is Member Effort Score (MES). MES is defined as the amount of effort a customer needs to exert to solve a problem.

It is measured by how much effort your customers put into getting an issue resolved or obtaining a service your business offers. Of the three customer experience measurement scores, MES is the most important, because the effort put forth by a member has an impact on Loyalty, Experience and Expansion.

Join Justin DiPietro, COO and Co-Founder of Glia for the webinar, Achieving The Effortless Member Experience.


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