Chris Howard

Chris Howard is a Senior Vice President at Callahan & Associates. When he’s not workingwith industry-leading credit unionson financial health and well-being, data analytics, fintechs, and credit union impact, he’s moderating a Callahan Executive Roundtable or consulting with any number of credit unions on topics ranging from strategy and governance to member engagement and performance.

Chris has more than 20 years of experience in the field of financial services, eight of those with Callahan. He was instrumental in the launch of Callahan Academyand frequently facilitates course discussion groups about sustainable business strategy, disruptive innovation, consumer-focused product development, and behavioral science.

Outside of financial services, Chris has worked as a U.S. Senate staffer, produced a TV show, taught college courses, written articles for think tanks, and tended bar. His varied background gives him a diverse array of perspectives from which to pull when working with clients on their strategic challenges. As a former banker, Chris saw firsthand how banks put stockholder needs above those of consumers and is dedicated to helping credit unions spread the word that their movement is here to serve average Americans.

When he’s not helping credit unions turn the for-profit model of financial services on its head, he’s exploring everything Washington, DC, has to offer — including museums, parks, food, and history. On pleasant days, Chris enjoys hitting the road on his bicycle or heading out into the countryside. On rainy ones, he opts for a book about politics or business. And, he considers any day a good day to enjoy a glass a fine wine.


The Unofficial Credit Union Anthem

Credit unions have the power to change lives — and they shouldn’t be afraid to use it.

Is Growth The Goal Or The Result?

Credit unions that want to remain relevant might need to rethink how they approach the “G” word.
Credit Union Industry Commentary

5 Valuable Governance Guidelines To Adopt Today

Constructive action and positive impact are the product of a board engaged in servant leadership — the true calling of a Class A board.

Strategy Matters More Than Ever In A Post-SVB World

The fear that drove the run on SVB is a powerful emotion, but at its core, it’s the absence of a feeling of safety and ...

Governance, Leadership, Responsibility … Strategy!

As spring planning sessions get underway, these are the questions credit union leaders need to be asking to ensure maximum impact.

4 Fundamental Elements Every Spring Strategy Session Needs

Fall business planning sessions are operational in nature. Spring strategy sessions are all about relevance and impact.

The Power Of Purpose Is In The Details

It’s not enough to have a mission statement; to deliver results, a credit union’s purpose must meet four specific conditions.
Credit Union Industry Commentary

How Can Credit Unions Measure Impact?

Callahan & Associates is committed to helping credit unions quantitatively demonstrate they are not only socially and commercially valuable financial institutions but also invaluable community ...
Credit Union Industry Commentary

Flood Waters Are Rising. Will Credit Unions Come To The Rescue?

It’s time to find ways to support members’ economic recovery.
Credit Union Industry Commentary

A Take On Modernizing Credit Union Governance

Credit unions need diverse, knowledgeable, representative boards that are able to act inclusively, collaboratively, and with strategic vision.
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