Samantha Cristobal

Industry Insights

Earnings By The Numbers (1Q18)

Insight into the drivers of 1Q18's revenue growth.
Industry Insights

State In The Spotlight: Vermont

Despite numbering only 19, credit unions in Vermont turned out an impressive performance.
Industry Insights

Deposits By The Numbers (1Q18)

Increases in most deposit products helped total share balances top $1.2 trillion in the first quarter of 2018.
Industry Insights

1Q18 Data Shows More Members And Better Product Penetration

Positive net member growth and product penetration paint a pretty picture of the credit union movement’s progress.
Graph Of The Week

A History Of Credit Union Auto Lending

How has the credit union auto loan portfolio changed over the past 20 years? Take this interactive infographic on a test drive to learn more.
Graph Of The Week

Secondary Capital At U.S. Credit Unions

Secondary capital supports lending and financial services as well as buffers against the impact of potential losses. But how much do credit unions use it? ...

Deposits By The Numbers (4Q17)

Share balances hit a record high in 2017. What else happened in the credit union deposit portfolio?
Industry Insights

Members By The Numbers (4Q17)

Looking at the industry's average member relationship, accounts per member, and dividend payout shows the bond credit unions and members share in 4Q17.
Industry Insights

Regional Performance Report: New England Credit Unions

The average member relationship surpassed $18,000 for credit unions in the New England states. In what other areas do these cooperatives excel?
Graph Of The Week

5 Metrics For Year-End Reporting

The credit union industry's impressive growth in 2017 sets the tone for a remarkable 2018.
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