Graph Of The Week

2023 NCUA Grant Funding

The regulator’s Community Development Revolving Loan Fund distributed $3.8 million in grant funding last year, benefitting more than 140 credit unions.

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Graph Of The Week

2023 NCUA Grant Funding

The regulator’s Community Development Revolving Loan Fund distributed $3.8 million in grant funding last year, benefitting more than 140 credit unions.
Graph Of The Week

Rebranding Takes A Post-Pandemic Hit

Marketing spend is up since the onset of COVID-19, but fewer institutions are pursuing new identities, choosing instead to embrace familiarity.
Graph Of The Week

Fintech Revenue Is Booming … And That’s Good For Credit Unions

Partnerships with emerging tech firms could benefit the bottom line for credit unions in the years ahead.
Graph Of The Week

Share Draft And Auto Loan Penetration Jump Substantially

Penetration growth is uneven across product lines, with share draft and auto loans blazing a trail in the past decade while other products remain stagnant.
Graph Of The Week

Rising Interest Rates Are Good For Something

Revenue per member has soared despite an industrywide slowdown in membership growth.
Graph Of The Week

When It Comes To Housing, Prices Are Outpacing Income

Census data shows credit unions have a lot of work in front of them to make housing affordable for members.
Graph Of The Week

Help Members Make Sense Of Social Media Mayhem

Online communities are rife with financial misinformation. Credit unions can help members — especially younger ones — sort the good intelligence from the bad.

5 Takeaways From Trendwatch 1Q 2024

Asset quality, liquidity, and revenue are all on the minds of credit union leaders. Here's what the data has to say about that and more.
Graph Of The Week

Credit Unions Face Higher Expectations Than The Competition

A 2022 survey indicates consumers expect credit unions to have a broader suite of products and services than any other type of financial services provider.
Graph Of The Week

Where Are The Gaps In Financial Inclusion?

Marginalized communities are largely unbanked or underserved, but credit unions can bolster inclusivity and enhance the financial wellbeing of these groups.

2023 NCUA Grant Funding

The regulator’s Community Development Revolving Loan Fund distributed $3.8 million in grant funding last year, benefitting more than 140 credit unions.

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