2015 Callahan Guide CUts To The Core

Our 2015 Market Share Guide to Credit Union Core Processors dives deeper into the data than ever before, and provides new ways of looking at old challenges.

We’re pleased to once more bring you the Market Share Guide to Credit Union Core Processors from Callahan & Associates. The 2015 edition continues our tradition of providing the latest data, analysis, insider information, and contacts that credit unions need when considering re-signing or changing providers.

For me personally, after using this very guide as a key source in my 15 years of reporting on credit union core processing as a journalist, it was fun and a privilege to now have a small role in producing the industry’s leading publication for decision makers on this topic. Our team of analysts do the heavy lifting and they indeed dug up data with new stories to tell.

It was an interesting year, this past year. Conventional wisdom holds that a shrinking number of vendors offers a shrinking number of credit unions fewer choices when it comes time to decide on core processors. But while the trade headlines were dominated by the Fiserv vs. Symitar tug-of-war at the top of the market, several smaller players were building their share and some notable newcomers emerged.

Throughout this book you’ll find data that shows what’s happening among core processors and credit unions, including the dozens of other vendor relationships that credit unions use every day. We collect this information through credit union surveys, from the vendors, tracking industry news, and working directly with our clients.

In this year’s guide we also have included several new leader tables that offer credit unions a more complete view of the core processor provider and platform marketplace. Specifically, we have slightly augmented our traditional tables to focus on the brand of processor being marketed. We also created a set of tables ordered by core processor platform name to detail both the provider (original seller, third party, CUSO) as well as the associated customer and asset information for each respective platform.

There’s more than numbers between these pages. What about all those other products and services that fall under the label ancillary? This year, we include in-depth looks at how two credit unions chose between going the all-in-one route with a single vendor and picking and choosing among solutions from multiple suppliers.

Of course, we update our data and present actionable information year round. New research and writing will appear at www.creditunions.com and our archived work and its actionable information provided from your peer credit unions are available anytime, anywhere at www.creditunions.com/operations-technology/data-processing.

Oh, and click here to get your own copy of the 2015 Market Share Guide to Credit Union Core Processors from Callahan & Associates.

There are so many more ways to parse and discuss this data. Please feel free to contact me at mrapport@creditunions.com to share your own ideas about what you see. Let us know how we can make our shared industry knowledge more useful for you.

December 1, 2014
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