7 Marketing Strategies To Steal Today

What can these seven companies teach credit unions about marketing?

The Spanish painter Pablo Picasso once said good artists copy, great artists steal. He meant that although we are influenced by the world around us, to simply copy the work of another takes little talent or creativity.

But to adapt an existing idea to fit an alternate style or solve a different problem requires considerable talent and can provide demonstrable value. Good business ideas are born from various circumstances, and many can translate across industries. All it takes is a dash of creativity and the willingness to think differently.

Many CreditUnions.com Diversions posts take interesting ideas from outside of the industry and apply them to credit unions. Here are share seven such posts that explore marketing ideas worth stealing.

No. 7: 3 Lessons From Jeff Bezos

When Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos gave an interview to Charlie Rose and 60 Minutesin December 2013, the executive announced his company’s drone delivery initiative, of which much has been written. We watched it as well, interested in the drones. But after watching the interview it became clear that Amazon had something to teach credit unions about customer relationships, efficiency, and differentiation.

No. 6: What Kim Kardashian Taught Me About Recognition And Branding

Last summer, a game captivated a nation and earned its star eight figures in profit. This was Kim Kardashian: Hollywood, and we had to investigate for our own reasons. After a week of playing the game more than the writer would like to admit, a few things became clear: the game was addicting and provided an excellent lesson in branding. Yes, we were surprised too that Kim Kardashian had something to teach the credit union industry. Such is life.

No. 5: How To Teach Rocket Science

NASA deals with an interesting but complex subject: space travel. But the government agency’s public perception lagged, even as it was putting astronauts into space. Enter social media. NASA sensed an opportunity to alter its public perception by giving Earth-bound observers the ability to see what its astronauts were seeing. Whether through YouTube, Twitter, or other channels, NASA wants to offer a peak behind the curtain and build its next generation of supporters.

No. 4: Anybody Want A Pizza?

In late 2014, Pizza Hut announced a rebranding initiative to better compete with Domino’s which underwent its own months before, to much success. The lessons from the rebrand were immediately obvious, from its use of advertisements to drive anticipation to the potential pitfalls of its fourth logo refresh in the last 15 years or its perhaps overly complex customization options. It also made us hungry.

No. 3: Sink Or Swim

Television networks provide a test case for how changing expectations and technologies available to Gen Y are changing society. Television viewership has declined and network content is increasingly being watched on a time-adjusted basis, making it difficult for advertisers to find an audience. Enter Adult Swim, which airs on Cartoon Network starting at 8 p.m. It has ranked first among adults 18-34 years old in basic cable ratings across the total day in each of the past 10 years. Additionally, the median age of the Adult Swim viewer is 24 years old, about half that of viewers across all broadcast and cable channels. How does the network do it? By embracing its brand and serving the underserved television market.

No. 2: Not Another Comic Book Movie

2014 was a difficult year for the United States movie industry, as a tepid summer season led to a drop in earnings from the year before. Why? Because audiences were tired of the same comic book movies and because the Hollywood complex refuses to cater to demographics other than teenage boys. Credit unions can learn from both of these mistakes and apply them to their own operations.

No. 1:If I Drive My Chevy To The Levee Will The Levee Be Dry?

Will they, won’t they? The millennial generation’s relationship to autos remains a subject of study, but automakers are updating their operations and product offerings to better attract this generation regardless. From in-car Wi-Fi to infotainment, car companies are investing more in new technologies and even working closer with Silicon Valley programmers to make sure the next generation of car is one that can attract the next generation of consumers.

April 15, 2015
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