Follow The Leaders: Shares, Branches, Credit Cards, And More

Five can’t-miss data points this week on

This week and last, has showcased the credit union leaders in a wide variety performance metrics nearly 40 in total.

This week, we dive into shares, delivery channels, MBLs, investments, and credit card metrics.

Here are five can’t-miss data points for the week:


Strong share growth at U.S. credit unions continued into the second quarter of 2017. Annual growth at mid-year topped 8.1%, 16 basis points higher than the second quarter of 2016.

In Credit Union Leaders In 5 Shares Metrics, see how U.S. credit union’s stack up in total members, 12-month share growth, 5-year share growth, average share balance, share draft penetration, and dividend payout.


Credit unions reported a net increase of 35 branches in the past year and operated 21,012 branches nationwide as of June 30, 2017. The credit union membership base expanded 4.3% year-over-year to 110.6 million. With membership growth outpacing branch growth, credit unions served 204 more members per branch as of mid-year than in 2016. For second quarter 2017, credit unions served an average of 5,265 members per branch.

In Credit Union Leaders In 3 Delivery Channel Metrics, see how U.S. credit union’s stack up in branch and ATM network, members per branch, and online banking penetration. ContentMiddleAd


Member business loan balances at credit unions reached $65.8 billion as of June 30, 2017. MBLs expanded 16.7% over the past 12 months and are one of the fastest-growing loan segments in the credit union loan portfolio.

In Credit Union Leaders In 3 Member Business Lending Metrics, see how U.S. credit union’s stack up in 12-month MBL growth, MBLs outstanding, and SBA loans outstanding.

$384.5 Billion

The credit union industry’s investment portfolio increased 1.6% year-over-year, with investments totaling nearly $384.5 billion at the end of second quarter 2017. Investment growth at credit unions has been positive for four out of the past six quarters; however, the tepid growth in the recent second quarter is indicative of credit unions’ continued focus on their lending operations.

In Credit Union Leaders In 3 Investment Metrics, see how U.S. credit union’s stack up in investments-to-assets, average investment yield, and borrowings-to-assets.


Total credit card balances at credit unions nationwide rose 8.1% year-over-year to top $53.6 billion as of June 30, 2017. Annual balance growth has surpassed 7.0% in five of the past six quarters, and second quarter 2017 growth was the highest of the past 11 quarters. Credit cards accounted for 5.8% of the $923.2 billion credit union loan portfolio at mid-year.

In Credit Union Leaders In 4 Credit Card Metrics, see how U.S. credit union’s stack up in 12-month credit card loan growth, average credit card balance, credit card concentration, and credit card penetration.

Happy Reading!

January 1, 2018
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