
A Tale Of 2 “Student” Loans

By offering both in-school and refinance lending, credit unions can appeal to members at multiple stages of life and establish a genuine opportunity for long-term relationships.

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Refinancing Is a Win-Win Situation

Wright-Patt Credit Union has seen members affected firsthand by the economy, but the credit union has helped members, improved credit union revenue, and shown how America can get growth started.

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Seven Seventeen Credit Union Triples Refis

The Ohio-based credit union encourages members to "simplify and save" and scores stellar refinancing growth in the second half of 2011.

Credit Unions Hammer Away At Unemployment

Job fairs, management training programs, and loan relief benefit local employment rates.

Pen Air Recaptures Its Way To Auto Loan Growth

The Florida cooperative uses direct mail and digital techniques, plus a guarantee of 2 percentage points less than the member is paying now.

A Tale Of 2 “Student” Loans

By offering both in-school and refinance lending, credit unions can appeal to members at multiple stages of life and establish a genuine opportunity for long-term ...
Graph Of The Week

Homeowner Trends In The United States

HMDA data reveals who is, and who isn't, taking out mortgages.

A Team Solution To The Payday Lending Problem

Redstone Federal Credit Union combines risk and reward in its counseling-lending program and casts a wary eye at proposed CFPB changes in short-term loan regs. ...

The Refi Boom Comes To Student Loans

Low rate environment and soaring student debt lead to growing refinance boom in student lending.

Refinancing Is a Win-Win Situation

Wright-Patt Credit Union has seen members affected firsthand by the economy, but the credit union has helped members, improved credit union revenue, and shown how ...

Mortgage Momentum: What NWFCU Achieved in ‘08 & their Plans for ‘09

Erin Krause from Northwest FCU discusses how her credit union was able to gain member loyalty in this troubled economy.

Cutting Costs and Reaping Opportunities

Arrowhead Central Credit Union finished 2007 with strong financial results despite its geographic location in the “eye of the storm” – California’s housing bust.

Loan Trends In 2Q24

Fluctuating loan demand upset credit union lending pipelines and balance sheets in the first half of the year. How significant were these impacts?

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