Do You Have A Top 200 Originator?

Each year, the National Mortgage News publishes a list of top 200 loan originators. Here's why credit unions need to be on the list.

Each year, the National Mortgage News publishes a list of top 200 loan originators. You need to be on this list. Last year, a measly four credit unions with 12 originators made the list. We do a heck of a lot more lending in credit unions and are a heck of a lot more memberlicious than this.

Here’s why you need to be on the list..(taken mostly from a 2015 blog post)

  • This list is well read and a big deal in the broader mortgage industry. It shows who the players are. As credit unions build market share, this list is another way to show how we are relevant in the mortgage industry.
  • Being on this list shows that a lender can support top originators. This can be a recruiting tool. I’ve heard sometimes credit unions have a hard time recruiting top notch originators. I would bet my friends at ENT promote the fact they have nine originators on the top 200 list for 2014. I know I would. Come work for us and we can help get you on this list which translates to help you get more loans closed.
  • Also, the list becomes a nice way to recognize your top performers. By trying to get them on the list, it shows you appreciate what they do for your credit union and your members. And who doesn’t like a like a little bit of recognition?

Click over to the Mortgages Are Memberlicious blog for a link to the online nomination form (deadline is Feb.1) and to read more about mortgage buzz.

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January 6, 2016
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