Andrew Lepczyk

Andrew Lepczyk is an industry analyst with Callahan & Associates. Andrew leverages analytics tools and market data to help credit unions improve. He has previously worked in corporate governance research and holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of South Carolina and a master’s degree in international economics from American University.

Graph Of The Week

Fintech Revenue Is Booming … And That’s Good For Credit Unions

Partnerships with emerging tech firms could benefit the bottom line for credit unions in the years ahead.
Graph Of The Week

Share Draft And Auto Loan Penetration Jump Substantially

Penetration growth is uneven across product lines, with share draft and auto loans blazing a trail in the past decade while other products remain stagnant.

Macroeconomic Indicators To Watch In 2024

Six data points showcase what's happening in the larger economy that could direct credit union decision-making for the rest of the year.
Industry Insights

How Are Credit Unions Holding Up As ROA Dips Down?

Rising expenses and inefficiencies are contributing to declining returns for the industry.
Graph Of The Week

Help Members Make Sense Of Social Media Mayhem

Online communities are rife with financial misinformation. Credit unions can help members — especially younger ones — sort the good intelligence from the bad.

5 Takeaways From Trendwatch 1Q 2024

Asset quality, liquidity, and revenue are all on the minds of credit union leaders. Here's what the data has to say about that and more.
Graph Of The Week

Credit Unions Face Higher Expectations Than The Competition

A 2022 survey indicates consumers expect credit unions to have a broader suite of products and services than any other type of financial services provider.
Graph Of The Week

Could EVs Help Credit Unions Lure Younger Members?

More than half of Americans younger than 50 say they would consider purchasing an electric vehicle. That’s an opportunity for credit unions.
Graph Of The Week

Americans Report Favorable Views On Small Business

Positive views of small business transcend political party, age, and gender.

Financial Fraud Hits Close To Home

In 2023, 38% of financial institutions reported fraud loss between $500,000 and $1,000,000. What does this mean for credit unions?
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