Ian Melhorn

Industry Insights

A Ratio That Ensures Exceptional Service

How can credit unions optimally position staff to wow members?
Industry Insights

Branch Enhancements And Community Involvement Contribute To Double-Digit Growth

University of Michigan CU sees notable growth following completion of branch upgrades and generous community initiatives.

Shares By The Numbers (4Q 2016)

Core deposits at credit unions surpassed $800 billion at year-end. Which shares underpinned this growth?

Earnings By The Numbers (4Q 2016)

ROA increased 2 basis points for credit unions nationally, but where do the high and low performers fall?
Graph Of The Week

Grant Funding In 2016

Low-income credit unions from 41 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands received grant awards last year. How much did they ...
Industry Insights

A Look At Credit Union Lending In 2016

The strong lending growth posted by U.S. credit unions in fourth quarter 2016 is an apt wrap-up for a successful year.
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