Maya Neuman
Mortgages By The Numbers (2Q18)
Maya Neuman
October 1, 2018
The credit union loan portfolio surpassed $1.0 trillion in the second quarter of 2018. Dig deep into this piece of the balance sheet.
Average Member Relationship Continues To Climb
Maya Neuman
August 22, 2018
Credit unions attracted new members and deepened relationships in the second quarter of the year.
Loan-to-Share Ratio Nears Record High
Maya Neuman
August 20, 2018
As loan growth outpaces deposit growth, the industry loan-to-share ratio reaches 82.9%.
Efficiency By The Numbers (1Q18)
Maya Neuman
August 20, 2018
U.S. credit unions reported the lowest ever first quarter efficiency ratio in 2018.
Gender Parity In The Credit Union Industry
Maya Neuman
August 13, 2018
As calls for gender parity grow louder, the credit union industry has already made large strides.
How To Speak Credit Union
Maya Neuman
May 14, 2018
The credit union industry is full of acronyms. Use this guide to learn the lingo.
Is The Cost Of Funds At A Record High?
Maya Neuman
May 14, 2018
Take this industry performance pop quiz from Callahan & Associates to learn about trends in cost of funds.
Trends In Technology (Part 4)
Maya Neuman
April 30, 2018
The confluence of technology, research, capital, and optimism has given rise to a frenetic pace of innovation.These four will have far-reaching effects on credit unions ...
Regional Performance Report: Western Credit Unions
Maya Neuman
April 30, 2018
Credit unions in the NCUA Western Region reported 12-month loan growth that exceeded the industry average by three percentage points. In what other areas did ...
Mortgages By The Numbers (4Q17)
Maya Neuman
April 23, 2018
Real estate lending continues to dominate the loan portfolio, with first mortgage lending taking the largest share.