A Focus On Members, A Devotion To Diversity

Five can't-miss data points this week on CreditUnions.com.

This week, CreditUnions.com shows what approach sets Rogue Credit Union apart from the pack, discovers the employee who helps Notre Dame FCU promote financial health and wellness, and asks the CEO of Anheuser-Busch Employee’s Credit Union to define his approach to leadership.

Here are five can’t-miss data points:


Nestled in a scenic valley renowned for its orchards and recreational pursuits, Rogue Credit Union is reaping the fruits of a decade-long strategy with the simple goal of having the most loyal members in the nation. Gene Pelham had been at Rogue for five years as the credit union’s president/CEO for one year when the cooperative’s first-ever experience in the red prompted Pelham and his board to double down on the business by focusing on the members rather than the numbers. See why.

Read: Apart From The Pack



Notre Dame Federal Credit Union prizes diversity and inclusion in its service to 58,000 members. So much so, in fact, that it has created a staff position devoted to those principles. Esmi Rivera’s job as diversity and inclusion officer formalizes what the Catholic university-based credit union has long worked toward: financial wellness and opportunity for everyone in its field of membership and the communities where they live. See how.

Read: What’s In A Name: Diversity & Inclusion Officer


Bob McKay, The CEO of Anheuser-Busch Employees’ Credit Union, might have found his way into the credit union industry by accident, but the business results he’s achieved by doing the right thing for members and putting organizational mission first has been anything but accidental. McKay joined the Missouri-based cooperative nearly four years ago after a 20-year stint at BCU. He shares what inspires him about the industry, what he thinks makes a great leader, and why all industry leaders should be thinking bigger about the opportunities that lie ahead.

Read: Bob McKay On Leadership


In 2013, the iPhone 5S came equipped with fingerprint recognition feature Touch ID. For many, this was their first real-world introduction to biometrics the means by which an individual can be uniquely identified based on a biological trait. In the years since, Touch ID has become a game changer. The technology was not new it was a decade old by 2013 but its widespread adoption was. The use cases were simple to start, but over the past five years the utility of biometrics in financial services (to say nothing of society at large) has blossomed. In 2018, consumers can open accounts and authenticate their identity by fingerprint, iris scan, or facial recognition.

Read: What’s Next For Biometrics?

$143 Billion

While millennials have soaked up much media attention in the past few years, Generation Z folks born after 1996 are just now entering the workforce. They will be the most diverse generation in the U.S. by 2020, and at their peak will hold some $143 billion in purchasing power. To learn more about this generation, UNiDAYS, the world’s largest student affinity network, polled 1,000 Gen Zers to see how they feel about money. What did he find?

Read: Emotion-Driven Marketing And Gen Z

Happy Reading!

October 29, 2018
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