Best Of March 2019

Based on March traffic (and our editorial instincts), here are the top articles and blogs that appeared on

Based on March traffic (and our editorial instincts), here are the top articles and blogs that appeared on

No. 10: How To Ace The ACET

The NCUA’s new cybersecurity assessment tool is a handful, but there’s help at hand.

No. 9: Make It A Meeting Members Can’t Refuse

Based on member feedback, BECU now incorporates financial education into its annual meeting.

No. 8: A Strategy To Help Members Magnify Their Money

A coaching program at Wright-Patt Credit Union teaches members how to be responsible with money while enjoying life.

No. 7: Employment And Compensation Increases At U.S. Credit Unions

More credit union employees are making more money than they did one year ago.


No. 6: 2 Ways To Tackle Analytics. 1 Credit Union.

Grow Financial’s analytics department has grown from a seedling department into a full-grown resource at the center of the cooperative.

No. 5: A Reward Program That Takes The Cents Out Of Incentive

The gaming approach employed by Community First Credit Union of Florida offers experiences rather than cash to high-performing branch staff.

No. 4: A 3-Year Roadmap To Better BI

CAP COM FCU is on a forward-leaning data aggregation mission that crosses platforms and connects silos across the organization.

No. 3: 6 Ways Credit Unions Use CDFI Grants

Twenty-five years in, the Treasury Department program’s roster is dominated by member-owned cooperative financial institutions, who find a precise mission fit.

No. 2: A Dissection Of The Core Processing Marketplace

Fiserv and Symitar continue to dominate, but a plethora of possibilities present choices to credit unions when it comes time to convert or commit.

No. 1: Rise Of The Member Experience Manager

Three credit unions offer five ways to approach member experience and build successful programs.

April 1, 2019
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