This week, finds out why a $4 billion credit union reduced it branch footprint from 23 to five, shows how a credit union doubled its assets and joined the billion-dollar club by focusing on member relationships, checks out the future of self-service, and more.
Here are five can’t-miss data points:
State Farm FCU was founded to serve employees and agents of the Illinois-based insurance giant. The credit union’s branch network grew nationwide along with the company, but member needs have changed with the times, and last year the credit union closed all but five branches. The credit union now focuses on nationwide digital and contact support to deepen engagement and keep posting strong efficiency metrics.
Read: 5 Branches Where There Were 23
$500 Million
Ten years ago, 3Rivers FCU was a $500 million credit union. This year it joined the billion-dollar club. But, membership has grown only 7.52% since 2008, from 70,150 in the second quarter that year to 75,426 as of June 30 this year. So, what’s the story behind 3Rivers’ asset growth?
Read: 3Rivers Keeps Rolling
Wonder where customer service is headed? Just step inside a McDonald’s fast food restaurant and order a Big Mac and fries. In a growing number of restaurants, customers are waiting to be served at registers, tapping their orders into self-service kiosks, and picking up their food curbside after placing orders on a mobile app. Likewise, many credit unions are modernizing existing systems by introducing mobile and text-based services, multifactor authentication, aggregated account and budgeting, video conferencing, and more. The result? Lower call center volumes and deeper interactions with members.
Read: 7 Strategies To Support Self-Service
There are hundreds of state and credit union league foundations across the United States that accept and disperse charitable donations with the goal of leaving a lasting legacy on their communities. Here, two credit unions and two leagues discuss startup capital for their foundations, ongoing financial stability, and more. For credit unions thinking about standing up their own foundation, these perspectives can jump-start strategic conversations.
Read: 4 Ways To Fund A Foundation
Autumn means returning to routine. The air chills, the leaves start to put on their show of colors, the kids return to school, and a comforting routine takes over. But should it? As I think about how we assess, tweak, and improve our culture, I question whether we rely on our routines too much when we decide whom to ask for input and assistance. In my experience, we look too much to those who are extroverted and outspoken, but why not go to the team members who are the quiet ones, the ones who don’t ask for attention? These team members are easily overlooked but have a huge impact on culture.
Read: This Season, Don’t Fall Back On The Old Reliables
Happy Reading!