Two Sides To Loan Delinquency And Why X Marks The Spot

Five can't-miss data points featured this week on

This week on looks at two sides of the loan portfolio’s delinquency, a marketing campaign focused on Gen X women, tips to buy and sell loan participations, and more.

Here are five data points you need to know:


Credit union industry delinquency fell 2 basis points year-over-year since the first quarter of 2016 to 0.69%, approaching its recent low in March 2015 of 0.68%. This has not been because delinquency rates within specific loan products have been steady,however.

There are two sides to this story. Rising delinquency rates in consumer loan products have been offset by decreases in real estate delinquency rates. That’s true within specific regions of the United States and across the country.

Learn more in The Two Sides Of The Loan Portfolio’s Delinquency.


That’s the percentage of women on social media who share information about online deals or finds to their friends.

Women are a powerful market for credit unions, of course, but they’re also savvy consumers who expect meaningful outreach from companies who understand their needs. That’s why Fort Worth Community Credit Union’s marketing campaign for GenX women speaks directly to the family CFO.

Read more in X Marks The Spot.


In the summer of 2003, Southern Chautauqua Federal Credit Union’s youth savings program helped a girl get a new bike. The youngster had saved $42 through the program, her parents matched it, and they were off to the store.

The girl was elated. But the credit union knew it could do better.

SCFCU took a year off from the program and, with the assistance of an NCUA grant, introduced a more robust strategy in 2005 that emphasizes long-term savings, financial education, and, now, in-school branches.

Learn more in How Southern Chautauqua FCU Builds Savings And Futures In Local Schools.


Real estate loan participations increased 29% year-over-year for the credit union industry, according to first quarter data from Callahan & Associates.

As more credit unions enter the loan participations market, two credit unions currently active as buyers and sellers in the space offer up 7 Tips To Buy And Sell Real Estate Loan Participations.


Firefighters and cops tend to be direct people without a lot of time to spare, and, at least in Boston, they’ve found a financial home that speaks their language.

The brand motto and philosophy at Boston Firefighters Credit Union is Simple & Honest Banking. The fact the state-chartered credit union keeps true to that credo has helped BFCU build a loyal, growing membership.

That philosophy empowers the credit union to adjust its approach to everyday transactions, when called for, as well as during tough times. It’s also why BFCU posts impressive numbers when it comes to metrics like average share balance ($25,364) andmember relationships ($46,375) at year-end 2016.

Read more in Anatomy Of Boston Firefighters Credit Union.

Happy Reading!

June 26, 2017
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