Your Vision For Regulatory Leadership

Here are four different ways you can join the conversation about the need for an understanding of cooperative principles in regulatory leadership.

Since its launch in early 2013, Co-Ops 4 Change has continued to offer new ways to participate in an open dialogue about the need for credit union regulatory leadership that supports cooperative principles. Like any grassroots movement, C4C knows that the best way to understand the needs of the credit union industry is to foster an open conversation.

Here are four different ways you can join the conversation, currently available on

Suggest Questions For NCUA Nominees:

In the worst years of the financial crisis, credit unions originated more than $525 billion in loans, compared with most other financial service firms, which largely pulled back on lending. Today, credit unions have more than $1 trillion in assets, making them America’s second-largest depository system.

Since the crisis, many have expressed the concern that NCUA has treated credit unions more like banks than member-owned and governed institutions. Effective regulation of cooperatives is dynamic, encouraging ongoing dialogue between the regulator and the regulated. It also considers the reality that loans made by credit unions to their members perform substantially better than similar loans to bank customers.

Potential NCUA Board Members should understand the cooperative difference. Co-Ops for Change has listed some questions a regulatory nominee might consider, and we invite you to add your own questions to the list.

View previously suggested questions, and add your own.

Update Corporate Securities Spreadsheets:

To be able to act as owners, credit unions must have visibility about the status of their claim based on shared knowledge of the facts for each corporate. Credit unions are the owners of the corporates. In this capacity, they received the claim certificates for member contributed capital from NCUA for the balances remaining after the NGN notes were paid. currently features spreadsheets that list all of the legacy assets by CUSIP number of the five corporates closed by NCUA during the Great Recession. Any investment security can be updated for current principal value or loss by any visitor to the site. Each proposed entry will be temporary until reviewed using Bloomberg or other expert market data.

View and update corporate securities spreadsheets.

Take The Survey:

The purpose of Co-Ops 4 Change is to highlight the need for regulatory leadership that supports cooperative principles. Credit unions member-owner democratic structure along with the six other principles is foundational to their success.  Regulatory oversight should align with these goals.

We at Co-Ops 4 Change want to know more about the most important policy initiatives the NCUA should undertake. We encourage credit unions to raise their voice on the importance of cooperative principles and the current system of leadership.

To that end, we would like to know about YOUR credit unions perspective on NCUA exam and regulatory priorities. Take our survey to tell us what you think!

Take The NCUA Survey

Sign The Petition:

When it was launched in February 2013, Co-Ops for Change began building awareness of the new vision for how credit union regulators approach their supervisory role. A petition was launched on asking President Obama to choose NCUA leaders who understand Cooperatives. To date, the campaign has collected some 6,000 petition signatures calling for leaders who support the cooperative business model. And it has also has highlighted the need for credit unions to educate and mobilize members, helping them find their voices on issues of common concern and interest.

The petition is no longer available on, however we have started our own petition to continue to fight for the cause.

View and sign the petition.

Are there other topics that require further discussion? Let us know!

July 3, 2013
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