Contact Center

Callahan Collections

From Face Time To FaceTime: Call Center Coaching Evolves

Two Virginia credit unions find new ways to engage and train out-of-office call center employees.

How Financial Center First Ramped Up Their Payments Platform

Lower wait times and more self-service options result in higher member satisfaction.

The Art Of Choosing A Data Scientist

How Wings Financial Credit Union uses internal partnerships to identify outsiders with the right aptitude and attitude.

A Staffing Strategy With Social Benefits

Locating call centers across its North Carolina footprint maximizes building space for SECU and provides jobs in high unemployment areas.

In Search Of The Self-Sufficient Member

How two credit unions in Ohio and Virginia use technology and education to win the member self-service game.

Member Onboarding Perfected

A monthly collection of Callahan content that, together, addresses a single topic from a variety of perspectives.

7 Strategies To Support Self-Service

Technology tips to lower call center volumes and deepen interactions with members.

Neustar’s Inbound Authentication Eliminates Member Friction

Callers are identified and cleared or cornered before ever getting to a live human agent.
Industry Insights

The Leaders In Online Banking Penetration

Expanding electronic services is another way credit unions provide more convenience and value for their members. Which institutions lead the way in online banking usage?
Callahan Collections

Let The Robots Automate. Let The Humans Serve.

How a New Jersey credit union uses new tools to automate old jobs and free up staff to serve members better.
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