Aman Johal

Industry Insights

Automobiles Drive Credit Union Lending

Auto market share and penetration rates increased at U.S. credit unions in the third quarter of 2018 even as indirect lending growth slowed.

Macro-Economic And Industry Trends (3Q18)

What credit unions need to know about members, lending, asset quality, share balances, and more at third quarter 2018.
Industry Insights

Credit Cards By The Numbers (3Q18)

Credit card balances were up 8.4% annually to $59.9 billion as of Sept. 30, 2018.
Industry Insights

Auto Lending By The Numbers (3Q18)

Total auto balances were on the rise as annual growth surpassed 10.8% in the third quarter of 2018.
Industry Insights

Mortgages By The Numbers (3Q18)

First mortgage balances at credit unions were up 9.9% as of Sept. 30, 2018.
Industry Insights

3 Takeaways From Trendwatch 3Q 2018

Membership growth, earnings gap, and lending market share — find out how credit unions performed in the third quarter.
Industry Insights

12 Months. 365 Days. 5 Million Members.

The movement’s membership base is growing. How are credit unions responding?
Industry Insights

Credit Union Branching In 2018

The total number of credit union brick-and-mortar branches decreased versus one year ago, but how has the cooperative system fared in generating deposits versus competitors ...
Industry Insights

AICPA Conference On Credit Unions (Day 1)

The first day of the Las Vegas-based conference keyed in on CECL and technological advances.
Industry Insights

AICPA Conference On Credit Unions (Day 2)

The second day of the Las Vegas-based conference tackled anti-fraud strategies.
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