Best Of July 2018

Based on July traffic (and our editorial instincts), here are the top articles and blogs that appeared on

Based on July traffic (and our editorial instincts), here are the top articles and blogs that appeared on

No. 10: Savings Accounts In A Rising-Rate Environment

An analysis of the credit union deposit portfolio suggests the industry has not started repricing yet.

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No. 9: Say Anything: Why Prospective Employees Are Ghosting Prospective Employers

Low unemployment, worker shortages, and normalized bad behavior has given rise to a new trend.

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No. 8: How To Embed Analytical Minds Across An Organization

An internal program at Wings Financial builds serious data skills for interested employees.

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No. 7: Looking Past The NCUA Pocket Change

Shiny coin of $736 million does little to disguise the regulator’s $21.7 billion error at the cost to America’s credit unions.

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No. 6: Auto Lending By The Numbers

Credit union auto lending growth revs up top-line growth.

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No. 5: 10 Questions That Keep Credit Union Leaders Up At Night (And What To Do About Them)

Financial services move fast. These credit unions have discovered ways to move faster.

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No. 4: Happier Hours For Happier Members

New technology at Pioneer FCU offers two ways members can bank on their own time.

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No. 3: Deposit Hungry? Put A Little BE On It.

Three behavioral economics concepts can boost savings during a liquidity crunch.

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No. 2: 3 Years. 8 Branches. 1 New Concept.

Citadel FCU has opened eight branches under a new concept that the Pennsylvania cooperative hopes will help it reach deeper into the communities it serves.

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No. 1: How To Build A BI Team That Drives Results

A CFO-led team of four specialists and an intern collaborate across the enterprise at the world’s largest university credit union.

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August 1, 2018
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