This week, asks credit unions to speak for themselves. One credit union CEO explains why his institution is winding down its indirect lending program, another talks his shifting focus from crunching numbers to building relationships, and the CEO of a large financial advisory firm shares insights on being a female leader in a male-dominated field.
Here are five can’t-miss data points:
$36 Million
In the late aughts, Shoreline Credit Union was riding a rising wave of indirect lending. Between 2007 and 2013, the credit union’s indirect lending portfolio jumped from $3.2 million to nearly $36 million, or 40% of its total loan portfolio. Business was good. However, in 2013 things changed at Shoreline. It sold its stake in its indirect CUSO, and since mid-2016, Shoreline has dropped nearly $10 million in indirect loans from its balance sheet. Why?
Read: A Direct Strategy To Support The Credit Union Mission.
Before becoming CEO of University Federal Credit Union in 2000, Tony Budet was a typical CFO who focused on spreadsheets and ratios. But five years before taking the helm of the Texas cooperative, his mentor made it clear that UFCU was not in the numbers business. It was in the people business. Here, Budet shares how he shifted his focus from crunching numbers to building relationships, how he developed emotional intelligence, and why organizational mission matters.
Read: Tony Budet On Leadership.
$220 Billion
Emily Hollis wasn’t thinking about becoming a CEO when she graduated with her MBA from Southern Methodist University. With a natural gift for math, Hollis was determined to break into the investment industry. Today, Hollis is the CEO of ALM First Financial Advisors where she’s been a principal since its founding in 1995 and has helped the firm grow to serve more than 250 credit unions and community banks representing more than $220 billion in assets. Here, she reflects on her experiences and shares insights on being a female leader in a male-dominated field.
Read: Emily Hollis On Leadership.
Credit union membership nationwide increased 4.3% in the first three months of 2018. The 1.4 million net new members in first quarter 2018 was the highest yet recorded for the first three months of a year, and on par with the highest net new member surge reported in one quarter. What makes this quarter especially notable is the fact first quarter is typically a slower period for member growth. Learn why this paints a pretty picture of the credit union movement’s progress.
Read: 1Q18 Data Shows More Members And Better Product Penetration.
As of second quarter 2017, credit unions reported 16,141 ATM locations, down 607 from June 2016. This can be attributed to shared ATM strategies and increased online and mobile initiatives. Credit unions offer convenience through an array of channels outside of ATMs. In fact, 77.2% of credit unions reported offering online banking, while 56.9% of credit unions reported serving members through mobile banking.
Read: 7 Facts About Digital Banking At Credit Unions.