

How High-Risk Lending Reaps Rewards

Managing risk and building relationships helps two small credit unions lend to C-D-E-paper borrowers.

Debt Collectors Under The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act

Any time a debt collector or a creditor communicates with a consumer on a debt, it is important to first review federal and state laws.
Industry Insights

Why Credit Unions Need To Beware The TCPA

Class-action suits pile up and it’s very easy to run afoul of complex, outdated regulations surrounding auto-calls and collections.

Does Your Collection Reporting Stack Up?

Here are four elements of a collection reporting system that will help you effectively measure your operation’s success.

Serve Indirect Borrowers With Convenient Online Payment Solutions

A solid indirect payment solution can lead to strong relationships with new borrowers and multiple potential income streams.

The Collector’s 3-Step Guide To Resolving Delinquent Accounts

Here are some time-tested ways to research, communicate, and “close the sale” that works for the debtor and the credit union.

Co-Sourcing: How 3 Credit Unions Collaborate On Back-Office Ops

Communication and a shared perspective allow this consortium to gain efficiencies in areas that are scalable and manageable with clear metrics and service level agreements.

Recent Lawsuits: What Credit Unions Need To Know

These four lawsuits can provide valuable lessons to the industry.

Loan Trends In 2Q24

Fluctuating loan demand upset credit union lending pipelines and balance sheets in the first half of the year. How significant were these impacts?

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