
How To Build A BI Team That Drives Results

Top-Level Takeaways MSUFCU began its business intelligence unit in 2014, and now has four specialists with their own focus areas. The team is providing targeted lists for outreach efforts such as e-statement adoption and credit card marketing campaigns. Predictive analytics and advanced techniques for identifying potential market opportunities are in development. Acting on member data

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Callahan Collections

Lake Trust Powers Up Analytics

The Michigan credit union is democratizing data with an enterprise approach to developing new levels of visualized insight.

How To Capitalize On Member Intelligence

The power of data analytics to inform and personalize credit union outreach represents a new frontier for member service.

Best Of Human Resources 2018

Nine of the most popular HR articles and blogs run on CreditUnions.com in 2018.

The Marketing Mailer For Mobile Wallets

How a piece of physical collateral educated members on the benefits of digital wallets and increased card usage at the same time.
Callahan Collections

International Credit Union Day 2018 Giveback: American 1

On the platinum anniversary of International Credit Union Day, CreditUnions.com looks at how different credit unions return value to members to showcase the credit union ...
Industry Insights

Which Credit Union In Every State Returns The Most Value To Members?

An interactive graphic by Callahan & Associates highlights ROM leaders by state. Who's tops in your state?
Callahan Collections

How To Build A BI Team That Drives Results

Top-Level Takeaways MSUFCU began its business intelligence unit in 2014, and now has four specialists with their own focus areas. The team is providing targeted ...

The Roots Of Financial Freedom

Three in-school branches at area high schools help student staffers develop real-world skills and foster financial knowledge.

How To Communicate During A Digital Conversion

When Advia Credit Union adopted a new digital banking platform, it used multiple channels to share upcoming changes and post-conversion updates.

3 Stories Of Bank Acquisition

As more credit unions opt to expand their operations via bank acquisitions, best practices and solid advice emerge.
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