Gen Y/Millennials

How To Bank On Social

Surveys show Facebook, Twitter not being used effectively enough to reach consumers where they digitally live.

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How Credit Unions Can Expand Millennial Mortgage Opportunities

Individualized, timely service and best rate possible for mortgage insurance can help seal the deal.

New Fannie Mae App Provides Information To Home Buyers

Today's mobile generation can access end-to-end information during the mortgage process, and credit unions can customize apps with branded marketing messages.

New Report Shines Spotlight On Student Loan “Crisis”

Brookings report details “selective” debt crisis; outlines impact of non-traditional borrowers and for-profit colleges.

How To Bank On Social

Surveys show Facebook, Twitter not being used effectively enough to reach consumers where they digitally live.

The Virtual Millennial Banker: How Credit Unions Can Win

Providing payments transaction tools in a format millennials crave will make your credit union a top candidate for these “virtual” bankers.
Industry Insights

The Self-Aware Millennial

What a new Pew Research report shows about the millennial perception of itself.
Industry Insights

Market To Me, Not My Mother

A phone call hits the mark for this millennial marketer. Life insurance statement stuffer? Not so much.
Industry Insights

The Credit Union (Member) Of The Future

This week, features articles detailing credit union strategies used to attract and retain young adult members.

College-Bound Credit Union

How Ent Federal Credit Union’s partnership with a local institution helps it grow younger and serve the next generation of member.
Industry Insights

What’s In Your Wallet?

How Capital One uses Instagram and user-generated content to advertise to millennials.
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