Trace Jerrett

Trace Jerrett is an Industry Analyst at Callahan & Associates.

Graph Of The Week

Rebranding Takes A Post-Pandemic Hit

Marketing spend is up since the onset of COVID-19, but fewer institutions are pursuing new identities, choosing instead to embrace familiarity.
Graph Of The Week

Rising Interest Rates Are Good For Something

Revenue per member has soared despite an industrywide slowdown in membership growth.
Industry Insights

7 Liquidity Trends From The First Quarter

Liquidity has been front of mind for credit union leaders in recent quarters as loan and share growth battle it out on the balance sheet.
Graph Of The Week

When It Comes To Housing, Prices Are Outpacing Income

Census data shows credit unions have a lot of work in front of them to make housing affordable for members.
Graph Of The Week

Where Are The Gaps In Financial Inclusion?

Marginalized communities are largely unbanked or underserved, but credit unions can bolster inclusivity and enhance the financial wellbeing of these groups.
Graph Of The Week

Two-Thirds Of U.S. Workers Want More Professional Growth Support

Gallup data shows employers aren’t engaging workers nearly as deeply as they would like.
Industry Insights

Interest Margins Are Up. ROA Is Not.

Rising interest rates helped credit unions boost margins in 2023; however, increased provisions ate into ROA.
Industry Insights

High Rates + Costly Assets = Slow Lending

Following years of elevated output, lending returned to historic norms in 2023.
Graph Of The Week

22% Of Americans Have No Emergency Savings

The average share balance per credit union member dropped more than $200 across 2023 as high inflation weakened savings.
Graph Of The Week

Does Service Suffer With A Smaller Branch Footprint?

A side-by-side look at the nationwide branch footprints of credit unions versus banks.
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