Regional Performance Report: Mid-Atlantic Credit Unions

Credit unions in the Mid-Atlantic reported faster MBL growth than credit unions outside the region. In what other areas did these Mid-Atlantic cooperatives excel?

Credit unions in the NCUA’s Mid-Atlantic Region Delaware; Maryland; New Jersey; Ohio; Pennsylvania; Virginia; Washington, DC; West Virginia bested the industry in a variety of performance metrics.


This dashboard is part of a regional data series and focuses on the performance of credit unions in the NCUA’s Mid-Atlantic Region.

All ratios displayed represent weighted averages.

  • The yellow bar labeled Industry refers to the weighted average of all credit unions in the United States.
  • The blue bars represent the weighted average of credit unions within the Mid-Atlantic Region.
  • Grey bars represent the weighted average of credit unions outside the Mid-Atlantic Region.

To examine the performance of credit unions in any Mid-Atlantic state, click on a blue state on the map that appears on each page of the dashboard. The default state is Ohio, but clicking on Pennsylvania, for example, changes the yellow bars to populate with Pennsylvania data.

The data for this dashboard comes from Peer-to-Peer by Callahan & Associates. Learn more today.

On the asset side of the balance sheet, these credit unions excelled in member business lending and also reported above average penetration in credit card and real estate loans.

Credit unions headquartered in the Mid-Atlantic Region reported MBL growth of 18.0% in the fourth quarter of 2017 that’s 4.8 percentage points faster than credit unions headquartered outside of the Mid-Atlantic region. The region’s average credit card penetration was 19.5%, compared with 15.9% for credit unions outside of the Mid-Atlantic region. On a similar note, the region’s real estate penetration of 4.8% was 25 basis points higher than the average for credit unions outside the region.

On the savings side of the balance sheet, the average share balance at Mid-Atlantic credit unions was $3,221, $370 higher than credit unions outside the region in the fourth quarter. And at 8.8%, the region’s share penetration was 1.88 percentage points higher than for credit unions outside the region.

Mid-Atlantic credit unions have also done well generating income. The region’s income per full time equivalent employee reached $225,900 at year-end, compared with $214,500 for credit unions outside the region. Furthermore, the region’s interest income to total income was 75.6% 3.7% higher than credit unions outside the region with 87.7% of the interest income coming from interest on loans. Finally, the fact the operating expense ratio for the region was 16 basis points lower than for credit unions outside the region signifies credit unions in the Mid-Atlantic are operating relatively efficiently.

Mid-Atlantic credit unions averaged a higher dividend payout as of fourth quarter than did credit unions outside the region $62 versus $56. Credit unions in the Mid-Atlantic Region also captured more of their potential member base than did credit unions elsewhere 5.9% versus 3.6%.

The interactive map below shows how states in the Mid-Atlantic Region compare to industry averages in lending, savings, business model, and member impact. Click on any sate on the map to change the table and the graphs.

Don’t see analysis for your state? Watch for more regional analysis in the upcoming weeks or click here to see other regions.

April 23, 2018
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