
Organizational Structures And Today’s Credit Union: A View From The Top

There’s no question the C-suite is growing. In recent years, specialized roles such a chief risk officer, chief experience officer, chief digital officer, chief strategy officer, chief growth officer, and more have joined the ranks of CEO, COO, and CFO. At a high level, organizational charts at today’s credit union reflect the key responsibilities of

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Charting The Course For Member-Centric Excellence: PSECU’s Organizational Evolution

With a designated chief member experience officer and specialized roles for the member journey and product experience, PSECU is reshaping how it orchestrates member interactions.

Best Of 2023: Supporting Member Financial Wellbeing

As Callahan looks back on the year behind, inspiration emerges for the year ahead.

PSECU Moves MX Up The Org Chart

With all external-facing roles reporting to a central officer, teams are focusing less on function and more on members.

Member Segmentation Paves The Way To Personalization

PSECU takes a realistic segmentation strategy to keep personalization manageable yet effective.
Partner Perspectives

Cooperative Technology Solutions CUSO formed to acquire CU-Interface and its mpowered system

Credit Unions join to purchase their core data processor.

How Credit Unions Are Coping With Surging Mortgage Rates (Part 1)

Some underwriting and belt-tightening, staffing and product changes are part of the response as swiftly rising rates roil the housing market.

Are We In A Housing Bubble? 5 Credit Union Leaders Weigh In

Supply still lags demand but price hikes are slowing, and a lot has changed in the past 15 years.

Navigating The Great Resignation: Tips From Turnover In The Senior Ranks

Fueled by job mobility and retirement trends, credit unions are feeling the challenges of replacing C-level managers. Follow these tips for finding the right replacement, ...

Organizational Structures And Today’s Credit Union: A View From The Top

There’s no question the C-suite is growing. In recent years, specialized roles such a chief risk officer, chief experience officer, chief digital officer, chief strategy ...

How To Use Culture And Perks To Achieve Hiring Happiness

Employees asked, and Horizon FCU made Black Friday a paid holiday. The Pennsylvania cooperative has made other decisions by following its mission, vision, and values, ...

2023 NCUA Grant Funding

The regulator’s Community Development Revolving Loan Fund distributed $3.8 million in grant funding last year, benefitting more than 140 credit unions.

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