
3 Ways To Boost Lending In 2022

The reopening of local economies and the return of pre-pandemic consumer spending habits have mostly offset the role pandemic relief programs have played in recent growth. According to the New York Fed’s Center for Microeconomic Data, the number of credit inquiries have returned to 2019 levels. And thanks to additional post-CARES Act policies at federal

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Exit Interview: Lisa Schlehuber, Elements Financial

The CEO came to the industry late in her career but was a transformational leader at the Indianapolis-based credit union.
Industry Insights

3 Ways To Boost Lending In 2022

The reopening of local economies and the return of pre-pandemic consumer spending habits have mostly offset the role pandemic relief programs have played in recent ...
Industry Insights

Credit Unions And Employee Impact

Three ways credit unions are connecting institutional mission and employee engagement.

Puerto Rico’s Credit Unions Stand Together In The Wake Of Natural Disasters

Unprecedented earthquake activity on the south coast of the Caribbean island has impacted thousands of residents. Now, credit unions are helping with the recovery.
Callahan Collections

How This Small Indiana Credit Union Works To ‘Bridge The Gap’

Afena FCU partners with a local foundation to take on payday lenders with long-term, low-rate loans with a savings component and financial counseling.

A Force Of Change For Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion

A 12-person group at Teachers Credit Union focuses on action and deliverables in its efforts to promote DEI at the Indiana cooperative.

5 Ways To Take Charge Of Online Reviews

Marketing leaders from three credit unions share strategies for how they nurture positive reviews, respond to negative ones, and retain members.

A Strategy To Show Members Love Any Day Of The Year

Public Service Credit Union surveyed members, bought gifts, and made donations to take care of the community it loves.

Pandemic Lending Lessons Put Into Play

Five lending leaders offer new insights about old values as they put new strategies into place to protect their cooperative and members.

What’s In A Name: Director Of Financial Wellness And Wellbeing

Jeff Sobieralski educates and engages members at the Indiana financial cooperative.

Loan Trends In 2Q24

Fluctuating loan demand upset credit union lending pipelines and balance sheets in the first half of the year. How significant were these impacts?

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